QTUME デニムワンピを軽やかに着こなす。
QTUME *English follows <Design Detail> デニムワンピを軽やかに着こなす。 非常に柔らかく軽量で、歩くたびにエレガントなドレープを演出してくれるテンセルデニムのキャミワンピース。デニムワンピと言っても、綺麗めな佇まい。 バスト位置を調節可能なストラップ。 広くとられたアームホールで、ボリューム袖のトップスも楽々収納。 真夏でも快適に着用でき、手洗いも可能。 <Styling Tip> 軽やかで上品な印象なので、下にレイヤードするトップスは、カシっとした綿のTシャツやぼてっとしたスウェットでなく、シアー感があったり、光沢があるものなど、綺麗めなモノをインすると、一層女性らしさが引き立つコーデに。 <素材> セルロース100% 手洗い可 <Size> Size 38 (one size): 胸囲90cm 着丈(ストラップは除く)106cm *大体7~11号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *モデルは身長161㎝、履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> <Styling Tips> <Fabric Composition> tencel100% Hand wash Made in China <Size> Size 38 one size bust90cm body length(the length without the adjustable shoulder strap ) 106cm *Model height 161㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME 夏以外着れるArtyなワイドパンツ。
QTUME *English follows <Design Detail> 夏以外着れるArtyなワイドパンツ。 涼しげな配色のペイント風モチーフとリラックスなワイドシルエットが”大人の余裕”を演出。 非常に軽く、落ち感が美しいジョーゼット素材。 ウエストは総ゴムで、内側には紐も配備。5号~13号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィット。 お家で洗えるイージーケア素材。 裏地はポリエステルでもサラッとした肌触りのモノを使用 両サイドにポケット。 https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGU5MZ3z7HZ/?igsh=MTR6a295OTZwbDhsdw== モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97890065 一緒にコーデしているQTUMEのブルゾンはこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97331114 一緒にコーデしているMunichのプルオーバーはこちら <Styling Tips> 写真のようにコンパクトなブルゾンやジャケットと合わせれば、クリーンでミニマルな装いをパンツの柄がドラマティックなモノへと引き立てます。 秋冬はルーズで色の綺麗なモヘアニットと合わせてるのも楽しそう。 バサッとしたワンピースとレイヤードすれば、ルーズに見えがちなスタイルをこなれ感や動きののある雰囲気に。 <素材> ポリエステル100% 裏地 ポリエステル100% 手洗い可 <Size> Size 38 (one size): ウエスト周り(総ゴム)64~90cm 着丈97.5cm *9~13号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> Arty wide-leg pants that you can wear all year round—except in the peak of summer. The breezy, painterly motif and relaxed wide silhouette exude a sense of effortless sophistication. Crafted from an ultra-lightweight georgette fabric with a beautifully fluid drape. The fully elastic waistband, with an adjustable inner drawstring, ensures a comfortable fit for French sizes 34 to 40. Made from an easy-care fabric that’s machine washable at home. Complete with handy side pockets. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGU5MZ3z7HZ/?igsh=MTR6a295OTZwbDhsdw== Watch the insta video for detail https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97890065 Shop the jacket styled together https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97331114 Shop the pullover styled together <Styling Tips> Pairing it with a compact blouson or jacket, as shown in the photo, creates a clean and minimal look while allowing the bold pattern of the pants to take center stage. For fall and winter, styling it with a loose, beautifully colored mohair knit adds a playful touch. Layering it with a flowy dress can bring effortless movement and a refined, relaxed vibe to your outfit. <Fabric Composition> polyester100% Hand wash Made in China <Size> Size 38 one size waist(elastic band all around )64~90cm body length97.5cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Greige再入荷! QTUME 扱いやすさと夢のあるデザインを兼ね備えたチュールスカート。
QTUME *English follows <Design Detail> 扱いやすさと夢のあるデザインを兼ね備えたチュールスカート。 シックなネイビーとグレージュのカラーに、ふんわりとしたチュールのガーリーな雰囲気が程よくマッチ。フレアシルエットながらも、チュール素材ならではの軽やかさで広がりすぎず、ヒップ周りもすっきりと見せてくれます。 さらに、自宅で30℃の水温で洗えるのも嬉しいポイント。 https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGSXl61TX38/?igsh=dDVndHFnMnJzcmFk モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/99510336 一緒にコーデしているOTOAAのカーディガンはこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/99510272 一緒にコーデしているJun Okamotoのトップはこちら <Styling Tips> 真冬と真夏を除けば、ほぼオールシーズン活躍。 春はブルゾンや紺ブレを羽織って上品に。 初夏はタンクトップ&サンダルで軽やかに。 秋口はざっくりニットと合わせて、こなれた印象に。 <素材> ポリエステル100% 裏地 ポリエステル100% 裏返しネットで、30℃でマシーンウォッシュ可能。 <Size> Size 38 (one size): ウエスト周り(総ゴム)60~92cm 着丈89cm *7~13号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティは12㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A tulle skirt that is both easy to wear and dreamily elegant. The chic navy and greige tones contrast beautifully with the airy, feminine tulle, striking the perfect balance between sophistication and playfulness. Though flared, the tulle fabric prevents excessive volume, ensuring a sleek and flattering silhouette, even around the hips. Plus, it's conveniently machine washable at 30℃ at home. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DGSXl61TX38/?igsh=dDVndHFnMnJzcmFk Watch the insta video for detail https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/99510336 Shop the cardigan styled together https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/99510272 Shop the top styled together <Styling Tips> Wearable almost year-round, except for the peak of summer and winter. In spring, pair it with a blouson or navy blazer for an elegant touch. In early summer, style it with a tank top and sandals for a fresh, effortless vibe. In autumn, layer it with a chunky knit for a cozy yet refined look. <Fabric Composition> polyester100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> Free Size Size 38 (one size): waist(elastic band all round)60~92cm body length89cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with12cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME カーディガン感覚で羽織って見栄えはジャケットな便利ブルゾン
QTUME *English follows <Design Detail> カーディガン感覚で羽織れて、ジャケットを着る時のように身が引き締まります。 柔軟なキックバックがある柔らかなポンチ素材で作ったコンパクトなシングルライダースジャケット。 ミニマルなで洗練された佇まいのなか、バックのペプラムデザインが女性らしさを演出。 両サイドにポケット https://www.instagram.com/p/DFUolA-zTHS/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97778579 一緒にコーデしているNUSのボーダーTシャツはこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97778306 一緒にコーデしているMillanniのスカートはこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97890350 一緒にコーデしているMunichのホワイトデニム風パンツはこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97721938 一緒にコーデしているKOFTAのブラックパンツはこちら <Styling Tip> コンパクトな着丈は、様々なシルエットのスカートやワイドパンツと相性良し。 細身のパンツと合わせる時は、下にジャケットより長めのトップスを挟むと、ヒップ周りも気にならなくなります。 <素材> ナイロン46% レーヨン44% ポリウレタン10% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size): 肩幅38cm 胸囲87cm アームホール巾24.5cm 袖丈55.5cm 着丈46cm *大体7~9号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *モデルは身長161㎝、履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> Effortless Elegance with a Structured Finish A single rider jacket designed to wear with the ease of a cardigan, yet offering the polished feel of a tailored jacket. Crafted from a soft ponte fabric with excellent stretch and recovery, it provides comfort without sacrificing structure. Its minimal and refined silhouette is elevated by a feminine peplum detail at the back, adding a touch of grace. Complete with functional side pockets for practicality and style. https://www.instagram.com/p/DFUolA-zTHS/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97778579 Shop the border T-shirt styled together https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97778306 Shop the skirt styled together https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97890350 Shop the white trousers styled together https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/97721938 Shop the black trousers styled together <Styling Tips> The cropped length pairs beautifully with a variety of silhouettes, from flowing skirts to wide-leg pants. When styling with slim-fit trousers, layering a longer top underneath the jacket creates a balanced look while providing extra coverage around the hips. <Fabric Composition> nylon46% rayon44% poyluretahne10% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 one size shoulder width38cm bust87cm arm hole width24.5cm sleeve length55.5cm body length46cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
NUS 肩ひじ張らずにエレガントな装いを
NUS *English follows <Design Detail> 肩ひじ張らずにエレガントな装いを トップス部分は、優しくフィットし伸縮に富んだテレコ編みのジャージ素材。 スカートは撥水性と、ポリエステルでありながら優れた透湿性を兼ね備えた高機能タフタ素材。 光沢もナチュラルでいやらしくないのが嬉しい。 比較的長めのスカートが腰位置を高く、足長に見せてくれるます。 両脇に配されたドロストで、ウエストのフィット感を調節可能。 両サイドにポケット。 <Styling Tip> 腰位置が高いデザインなので、羽織りモノはショート丈が間違えないですが、ワンピースのように、ウエストをマークできる長めのコートと合わせても上品さが際立ちます。 <素材> リブ: 綿70% ポリエステル30% スカート: ポリエステル100% 裏地無し 透けません *手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> size 38 one size 肩幅136㎝ 胸囲84cm アームホール巾23cm 袖丈58cm 着丈124.5cm *大体7~9号の方が、綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *トップスは、ジャージ素材なので伸縮があります。 *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブラックのブーティはヒール7㎝。 Brand Name: NUS 京都ブランドQTUMEの姉妹ブランド。Made in Japanのモノづくりにこだわり、QTUME同様着回し易く色が綺麗なコレクションとなっています。 <Design Detail> Effortless elegance for your everyday style. The top features a gently fitted ribbed jersey material, offering stretch and comfort. The skirt is crafted from high-performance taffeta with water-repellent and breathable properties—its natural sheen adds a touch of sophistication without being overly flashy. The slightly longer skirt length accentuates a high waist, creating a flattering, elongated silhouette. Adjustable drawstrings on both sides of the waist let you customize the fit, while convenient pockets enhance practicality. <Styling Tip> The high-waist design pairs perfectly with cropped outerwear. Alternatively, style it with a long coat that cinches at the waist for an elevated and refined look. <Fabric Composition> Top cotton70% polyestyer30% Skirt polyester100% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> size 38 one size Shoulder width36㎝ bust84cm armhole width23cm sleeve length58cm body length124.5cm *Model is 168㎝, wearing the bootie with 7cm heel <Brand Description> NUS NUS is a sister brand of QTUME from KYOTO. Same as QTUME, NUS offers products that is made with Japanese craftsmanship and boasts high quality at reasonable price. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME ウールの重厚感あるのに気軽です。
QTUME *English follows <Design Detail> ウールメルトンの重厚感と、サッと羽織れる気軽さも備えた街コート。 ジップとスナップでスマートに開け閉めできるのが嬉しい。 赤みがかった薄いブラウンのお色も、このコートの魅力の1つ。 ハイブランドが使うような奥行きと高級感を纏っています。 オリジナルの撥水加工が施された、毛織物産地の尾州産。 厚手のニットとのレイヤードもしやすいラグラン袖。 両サイドにポケット。 <Styling Tips> 絶妙なブラウンは、ブラックのパンツと合わせると引き締まった雰囲気になりますし、ネイビーと合わせても上品。中にサテンのブラウスを入れて大人のムードを演出するのも◎ 軽さを出したいなら、キャメルやベージュ、ブルージーンズデニムに白シャツを合わせれば、おとなのカジュアルスタイルに。 https://www.instagram.com/p/DD6WlNCzt-6/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/96289870 一緒にコーデしているKOFTAのワンピースはこちら <素材> ウール100% 裏地 ポリエステル100% クリーニング <Size> Size 38 (one size): 胸囲106cm 裄丈75cm 着丈109cm *9~13号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A city coat that combines the luxurious weight of wool melton with the ease of a throw-on-and-go piece. The smart closure system, featuring both a zipper and snaps, adds a functional touch you'll appreciate. One of its standout features is the soft reddish-brown hue—a color with the depth and sophistication reminiscent of high-end designer pieces. Made in Bishu, Japan's renowned wool production region, the fabric boasts original water-repellent treatment for practicality without compromising on elegance. Designed with raglan sleeves for effortless layering over chunky knits and equipped with convenient side pockets. https://www.instagram.com/p/DD6WlNCzt-6/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/96289870 Shop the dress styled together <Styling Tips> The perfect shade of brown creates a polished look when paired with black pants and exudes sophistication when matched with navy. Style it with a satin blouse underneath for an effortlessly chic and refined vibe. For a lighter touch, pair it with camel or beige tones, or opt for blue jeans and a white shirt for a relaxed yet elegant casual outfit. <Fabric Composition> wool100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> Size 38 one size bust106cm sleeve length75cm body length109cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME 高級感感じる生地を、サッと羽織れる雰囲気で。
QTUME *English follows <Design Detail> サッと羽織れる気楽さを、高級感のある生地で。 日本の毛織物産地、尾州で織り上げられたウール生地。 高品質のウール糸の残糸を集めてリサイクルしたサステナブルウール素材。 お色は優しい水色を基調とした黄色や白、ベージュなどの糸が混じったメランジカラー。 1枚仕立てでありながら保温性にも優れてています。 ショート丈のコクーンシルエットをラグラン袖で作っており、幅広い体型の方に綺麗にフィットします。 両サイドにポケット。 https://www.instagram.com/p/DCBIWFdJv4F/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/92063854 一緒にコーデしているJun Okamotoのブラウスはこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90653505 一緒にコーデしているPANORMOのスカートはこちら <Styling Tips> ショート丈と言っても短すぎるわけではないので、スキニーシルエットとも相性良し。 ゴブラン織りやジャカード等表情のあるフレアやロングスカートと合わせると冬の暖かなムードを一層引き立てます。 <素材> ウール100% 手洗い可 <Size> Size 38 (one size): 胸囲120cm 裄丈77.5 着丈68cm *9~13号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> Effortless to throw on, with a luxurious feel. Crafted from premium wool fabric woven in the famed Bichu region of Japan, this sustainable wool is created by recycling high-quality wool yarn remnants. The soft melange color combines gentle hues of light blue, yellow, white, and beige, offering a unique touch. Despite being unlined, the fabric retains warmth beautifully. The short cocoon silhouette with raglan sleeves provides a comfortable, flattering fit for various body shapes. Complete with pockets on both sides. https://www.instagram.com/p/DCBIWFdJv4F/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/92063854 Shop the blouse styled together https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90653505 Shop the skirt syled together <Styling Tips> Though it’s a short-length coat, it’s not too cropped, making it a great match for skinny silhouettes. Pair it with textured flared or long skirts in gobelin or jacquard to amplify that warm, wintery feel. <Fabric Composition> wool100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> Free Size bust120cm The length from back centre to cuffs77.5 body length68cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME 大人の女性が無理なく着こなせる、ビスチェレイヤード風ワンピース
QTUME mermaid denim overall skirt *English follows <Design Detail> 大人の女性が無理なく着こなせる、ビスチェレイヤード風ワンピース トップの部分はストレッチが効き、シワになりにくい柔らかなダンボール素材。 バックサイドはゴムでギャザー。ドレープデザインがステキなだけでなく、ストレスフリーな着心地。 両サイドにポケット https://www.instagram.com/p/C_MZB1dS3kT/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> 袖にデザインがあるので季節の良い時に1枚で着るのがオススメ 足元は、スニーカーからヒールやショートブーツ変えれば、お洒落な日常着からちょっと素敵な場所へのお出かけまで幅広く楽しめます。 <素材> ポリエステル100% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size) 胸囲98cm 袖丈38cm 着丈125cm *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティはは7㎝ヒール *7~13号くらいの方まで幅広い方に綺麗にお召しただけます。 <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A layered bustier-style dress that's effortlessly wearable for adult women. The top portion is made from a soft, stretchable, and wrinkle-resistant scuba fabric. The back features gathered elastic, offering not only a beautiful drape design but also a stress-free fit. Pockets are conveniently placed on both sides. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_MZB1dS3kT/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail. <Styling Tips> With its distinctive sleeve design, this dress is best worn on its own during mild weather. You can easily switch up your look by changing your footwear—from sneakers for a casual day out to heels or short boots for a more polished occasion, making it versatile enough for various settings. <Fabric Composition> polyester100% Handwash Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size) Armhole width25cm Bust 104cm Body length front58cm Body length back 66cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME このお値段でイイの!?なエコファージレ。
QTUME mermaid denim overall skirt *English follows <Design Detail> レッキス(うさぎ)のような密度の濃い毛質とふかふか肌触りをポリエステルで再現したエコファージレ。 発色も絶妙。オフホワイトとベージュの中間のお色はどなたのお顔移りも明るく見せます。 レイヤードしやすいVネック。 ファーで見えないデザインのホックボタンを2つ配置 https://www.instagram.com/p/C_Hq1c8STmI/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90354430 一緒にコーデしているMunichのブラウスはこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90355900 一緒にコーデしているMunichのワイドパンツはこちら <Styling tips> 着丈は長すぎず短すぎずでちょうど良い。 着丈の前後差もあるので、パンツでもスカートでもOK。 <素材> ポリエステル100% クリーニング <Size> Size 38 (one size) アームホール巾25cm 胸囲104cm 着丈前58cm 着丈後 66cm *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティはは7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> An eco-fur vest made of polyester that replicates the dense, soft fur texture of Rex rabbit. The color is also beautifully nuanced—a shade between off-white and beige that brightens any complexion. Designed with a V-neck for easy layering. Two hook buttons are discreetly placed within the fur, making them almost invisible. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_Hq1c8STmI/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail. https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90354430 Shop the blouse styled together https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90355900 Shop the trousers styled together <Styling Tips> The length is just right—not too long, not too short. With a slight difference in length between the front and back, it pairs well with both pants and skirts. <Fabric Composition> polyester100% Dry cleaning only Made in China <SIze> Size 38 (one size) Armhole width25cm Bust 104cm Body length front58cm Body length back 66cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME デイリーユースできる耐久性と絶妙なボリューム袖を持ったシンプルトップ
QTUME volume sleeve tops *English follows <Design Detail> ちょっとちゃんしなければいけないシーンに、迷ったらこれ!な1枚。 袖口のボリューム感が絶妙でなシンプルな形の中にちゃんと女性らしさを感じるトップス。 高い耐久性、快適な着心地、接触冷感、その上UVカットも付いた機能素材。 ラグランスリーブだから腕回りの運動量が大きく、様々な体系の方にも綺麗にフィット。 https://www.instagram.com/p/C2ZRHwVvqzL/?igsh=MWo5ZmtuYTBzcnRlMw== モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/82409121 同素材のパンツはこちら。 <Styling Tips> 同素材のタックパンツと合わせればカジュアルなオケージョンや、プレゼンなどのちょっと気合を入れたいビジネスシーンにピッタリ。 ジレやベストと合わせて、ボリュームスリーブを活かした着こなしもお勧め。 <素材> ポリエステル53% 綿47% 手洗い可 <Size> Size 38 (one size): 胸囲106cm アームホール巾24cm 着丈58cm *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティは12㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A go-to piece for occasions where you need a touch of elegance. This top, with its perfectly balanced voluminous cuffs, adds a feminine touch to its simple silhouette. Crafted from high durability, comfortable to wear, and featuring cooling properties on contact, plus UV protection. With raglan sleeves allowing for a wide range of arm movement, it beautifully complements various body types. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2ZRHwVvqzL/?igsh=MWo5ZmtuYTBzcnRlMw== Watch the insta video for detail. https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/82409121 Shop the matching fabric trousers here. <Styling Tip> Pairing it with the same material pleated pants makes it perfect for casual occasions or business settings where you want to add a bit of flair, such as presentations. It's also recommended for creating stylish looks by combining it with a vest or gilet to showcase the voluminous sleeves. <Fabric composition> polyester 53% cotton 47% <Size> Size 38 (one size) Bust 106cm / 41.7inch Armhole width 24cm / 9.45inch Body length 58cm / 22.8inch *Model height 168㎝/ 66.1inch *The model wears trainers with 12cm / 4.7inch <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME バッグにぽいっと忍ばせられるクロップドフーディ
QTUME cropped cotton hoody *English follows <Design Detail> 細番手のスーピマコットンを肌離れの良い強撚糸で仕立てた、クロップド丈のフーディカーデ。 初夏~盛夏~晩夏初秋と暑い時期が長くなってきた今の日本では長く重宝しそう。 ジップアップで、カーディガンより気軽なデザイン。 バッグの中に忍ばせておいても、シワが気になりません。 両裾裏に配されたドロストでシルエットの微調整可。 両サイドにポケット。 <Styling Tips> ワンピースやスカート、ワイドパンツに合わせやすいクロップド丈。 写真のように、サテンやデシン素材などのボトムを合わせると、上下でよりメリハリのあるコーデに。 <素材> 綿100% 手洗い可 <Size> Size 38 (one size): 胸囲(ボタンで調節可)134cm 着丈48cm *7~11号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *モデルは身長168㎝、スニーカーは7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A cropped hoodie cardigan crafted from fine Supima cotton spun with a smooth twisted yarn for excellent comfort against the skin. Ideal for Japan's extended hot seasons from early summer through late summer and early autumn. Featuring a zip-up design for a casual feel compared to traditional cardigans. It can be stored in a bag without worrying about wrinkles. The silhouette can be finely adjusted with drawstrings placed at both hem undersides. Includes pockets on both sides. A cropped length that pairs well with dresses, skirts, and wide-leg pants. <Styling Tips> When paired with bottoms such as satin or patterned fabrics like in the photo, it creates a coordinated look with a nice contrast between the top and bottom. <Fabric Composition> cotton 100% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Free Size Bust 134cm Body length 48cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME ちゃんと見せつつ、バックサイドに程よい遊び。
QTUME sheered jacquard stripe blouse *English follows <Design Detail> 春を感じつつちょっと高級感のある通勤着。 シアー感のあるストライプジャカード生地が清涼感と高級感を付与。 レーヨンを贅沢に使用しているので、サラッとした着心地。湿気が出てくる季節でもべた付かず快適な着心地です。 前面はベーシックなクルーネックですが、後ろは立体感のある丸みを帯びたデザイン。 着心地はゆったりでもスッキリ見えます。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒に履いているNUSのパンツはこちら。 <Styling Tips> 丸みを帯びた後ろ下がりのデザインはパンツ・スカートのシルエットを選ばない、万能なかたち。 インでもアウトでもスッキリした印象で着こなせます。 <素材> レーヨン71% ナイロン27% ポリエステル2% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size): 肩幅50.5cm 胸囲104cm アームホール巾20cm 袖丈50cm 着丈前59cm 着丈後63cm *モデルは身長161㎝、履いているパンプスは7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A slightly luxurious workwear outfit that evokes a sense of spring. The sheer striped jacquard fabric adds a touch of coolness and sophistication. Made with a generous amount of rayon, it offers a smooth and comfortable feel. Even in humid weather, it doesn't feel sticky, ensuring comfort. While the front features a basic crew neck design, the back has a rounded, three-dimensional silhouette. The relaxed fit offers a comfortable yet sleek look. <Styling Tip> The rounded, slightly dropped back design is versatile and complements various pants and skirt silhouettes. It can be styled both tucked in or left out for a sleek and polished look. <Fabric composition> rayon71% nylon27% polyester2% Hand-wash Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size) Shoulder width50.5cm / 19.9inch Bust 104cm / 40.9inch Armhole width 20cm / 7.9inch Sleeve length 50cm / 19.7inch Body length front 59cm / 23.2inch Body length back 63cm / 24.8inch *Model height 161㎝/ 63.4inch *The model wears pumps with 7cm / 2.8inch <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME デイリーユースできる耐久性とこなれ感を併せ持つ美脚パンツ。
QTUME volume sleeve tops *English follows <Design Detail> スポンと履けるのに、程よいこなれ感ときちんと感。 太もも、ヒップ周りはゆったり、裾にかけてテーパードされたカービーなシルエット。 高い耐久性、快適な着心地、接触冷感、その上UVカットも付いた機能素材。 シワになりづらいのも嬉しい。 両サイドにポケット。 https://www.instagram.com/p/C2ZRHwVvqzL/?igsh=MWo5ZmtuYTBzcnRlMw== モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/82409053 一緒にコーデしている同素材のトップスはこちら。 <Styling Tips> 同素材のブラウスとと合わせればカジュアルなオケージョンや、プレゼンなどのちょっと気合を入れたいビジネスシーンにピッタリ。 トップスをインしてタックのボリュームを強調させると、上下でメリハリのある見え方に。 <素材> ポリエステル53% 綿47% 裏地無し 透けません 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size): ウエスト周り68cm~86cm 着丈99cm *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティは12㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> Easy to slip into with just the right amount of casual and polished appeal. The silhouette features a comfortable fit around the thighs and hips, gradually tapering towards the hem for a flattering curve. Made from durable, comfortable, and functional fabric with UV protection and a cool-to-touch feel. The wrinkle-resistant feature adds to the convenience. Equipped with pockets on both sides. https://www.instagram.com/p/C2ZRHwVvqzL/?igsh=MWo5ZmtuYTBzcnRlMw== Watch insta video for detail. https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/82409053 Shop the matching fabric tops here. <Styling Tip> Perfect for casual occasions or business settings where you want to make a statement, especially when paired with the blouse in the same fabric. Tucking in the top to emphasize the volume of the pleats creates a balanced and dynamic look. Ideal for presentations or occasions where you want to add a touch of sophistication. <Fabric composition> polyester 53% cotton 47% Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size) Waist 68~86cm / 26.8~33.9inch Body length 99cm / 39inch *Model height 168㎝/ 66.1inch *The model wears trainers with 12cm / 4.7inch <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME お値段もシルエットも可愛い!初夏まで着れるデニムスカート
QTUME light denim wrap skirt *English follows <Design Detail> 気兼ねなく着れるデニムスカートだけど、ちょっとオシャレ。 肩ひじ張らないお友達とのお出かけや、家族旅行。毎日の犬の散歩など日常に近い1枚として。 巻きスカートのデザインですが、巻き込まれた部分は反対側に縫い付けられており、開いてしまう心配はなく安心して着用できます。 10枚剥ぎのデザインがたっぷりしたフレアラインを演出。 右側、バックに2つポケットを配置。 モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> <素材> 綿100% 手洗い可 <Size> Size 38 (one size): ウエスト周り(後ろゴム)60~74cm 着丈85cm *モデルは身長168㎝、㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> <Styling Tip> <SIze> Size 38 (one size) Shoulder width 44cm Armhole width 23cm Sleeve length 54cm / inch Body length 58cm / inch *Model height 168㎝/ 66.1inch *The model wears a black bootie with 12cm / 4.7inch <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME 春先も着たいヤク100%Knit
QTUME 100% yak crew neck knit *English follows <Design Detail> 寒く暗い冬に、暖かさだけでなく、気分もアゲてくれる綺麗カラーのヤク100%ニット。 ヤクの保温性は、カシミアを凌ぐ保温性を持つとも言われ、耐久性にも優れています。 日本では以外にも歴史が古く、戦国時代の武将の兜などに防寒用ではなく、装飾用としてヤクの毛が使われていたようです。 シンプルなプルオーバーですが、前後で編み方を変えたり、袖にはアイレットのデザイン。 ボディーはゆったり、更にドロップショルダーなので様々な方に綺麗にフィット。 <Styling Tips> スカートでもパンツでも合わせやすい絶妙な着丈。 ブラウスをインして、デニムを合わせればどちらのお色も春の雰囲気に。 <素材> ヤク100% クリーニング <Size> Size 38 (one size): 肩幅63cm 胸囲122cm アームホール巾23cm 着丈58cm *モデルは身長168㎝、スニーカーは2㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A beautiful 100% Yak wool knit that not only provides warmth but also uplifts your mood in the cold and dark winter. Yak wool is said to have insulation properties surpassing cashmere, and it is known for its durability. Surprisingly, yak wool has a long history in Japan, and during the Warring States period, it was used not only for warmth but also for decoration on the helmets of samurai. While it's a simple pullover, the knitting techniques vary between the front and back, and there's an eyelet design on the sleeves. The body is relaxed, and with the added feature of drop shoulders, it beautifully fits various body types. <Styling Tip> A perfect length that pairs well with both skirts and pants. Tuck in a blouse and pair it with denim to give either color a springtime vibe. <Fabric Composition> Yak 100% Dry cleaning only Made in China <SIze> Size 38 (one size) Bust 118cm / 46.5inch Armhole width 23cm / 9.1inch Body length 68cm / 26.8inch *Model height 168㎝/ 66.1inch *The model wears trainers with 2cm / <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME 春先の寒い日のコーデに悩んだら。。。
QTUME 100% cashmere crewneck knit *English follows <Design Detail> 年が明けたら寒くても、重い色や厚手のニットは着たくない!でも寒い。。。 そんな悩み、このニットが解決します! カシミヤ100%で、真冬でも着られる暖かさを持ちつつ、澄んだコバルトブルーとオフホワイトで、初春の日差しの下でも、あなたのお顔周りをパッと明るくします。 デザインはシンプルなクルーネック。 ドロップショルダーが多い中、こちらのニットは肩はさほど落ちていない正統派タイプ。 ただ、身幅は比較的ゆったりめで着やすい。 アームホール、袖下、サイドは編み目を変え、シンプルながらリズムのあるデザインに。 モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> 着丈と身幅は、短すぎず長すぎず。太すぎず細すぎずな黄金比。 様々なシルエットのスカートやパンツとコーデしやすい思います。 ブラウスをレイヤードして、春の気分をプラス。 <素材> カシミヤ100% クリーニング <Size> Size 38 (one size): 肩幅44cm アームホール巾23cm 袖丈54cm 着丈58cm *モデルは身長168㎝、㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> After the new year, even though it's cold, I don't want to wear dark or heavy knits! But it's still chilly... This knit solves that problem! Made of 100% cashmere, it provides warmth even in the heart of winter, and with its clear cobalt blue and off-white colors, it instantly brightens your face under the early spring sunshine. The design features a simple crew neck. In a sea of drop shoulders, this knit maintains a more traditional style with shoulders not dropping too much. However, the width is relatively relaxed, making it easy to wear. The armholes, sleeves, and sides feature different knit patterns, creating a simple yet rhythmically designed piece. <Styling Tip> The length and width are just right—neither too short nor too long, striking the perfect balance. It's the golden ratio, not too thick and not too slim. Easy to coordinate with various silhouettes of skirts and pants. Layer it with a blouse to add a touch of spring vibes. <Fabric Composition> Cashmere 100% Dry cleaning only Made in China <SIze> Size 38 (one size) Shoulder width 44cm 17.3inch Armhole width 23cm / 9.1inch Sleeve length 54cm / 21.3inch Body length 58cm / 22.8inch *Model height 168㎝/ 66.1inch *The model wears a black bootie with 12cm / 4.7inch <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME 楽しく夢心地な雰囲気を手の届くお値段で楽しめます。
QTUME feather yarn bicolor knit *English follows <Design Detail> 今年は勇気を出して明るい色のニットにも挑戦してみようかなと思ってる方や、ちょっとパンチの効いたニットを買い足したいと思っている方に是非お勧めしたい1枚。 お値段もオススメ! フワフワなフェザー感と下から別の糸がかすかに透ける感じがLuxで高見え! ニットの毛足、まるくて短めなシルエットとボリューム袖が優しい雰囲気を演出。 <Styling tips> 着丈が短いので、ワイドパンツやスカートが間違えナシ。 プリントのパンツやスカートを更に引き立てます。 ニットに素材感があるので、ボトムは凹凸の強いジャカード素材などを持ってくるとぼてっと思い印象になるので注意。 <Size> Size 38 (one size): 肩幅51cm 胸囲110cm 着丈前51cm 着丈後56cm *こちらのニットはサイズ的には11号の方も全然大丈夫ですが、ニット自体に少し厚みがある分、場合によっては少し太って見えると思う方が居るかもしれません。 細く見せるというより、少しボリュームを出した着こなしを楽しみたいという方にお勧めです。 *モデルは身長160㎝、履いているブーティは5㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> This is the perfect piece for those who want to be brave and experiment with brighter colored knits this year, or for those who want to add a little twist to their knitwear collection. And it's reasonably priced too! Its soft, feathery texture and the faintly see-through effect created by another thread from underneath give it a luxurious, upscale appearance. The knit's short, round silhouette and voluminous sleeves create a gentle and warm atmosphere. <Styling Tip> <SIze> Size 38 (one size) Shoulder width 51cm / 20inch Bust 110cm / 43.3inch Body length front 51cm / 20inch Body length back 56 / 22inch *Model height 160㎝/ 63inch *The model wears a black bootie with 5cm /2 inch <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME アクティブに働き、お洋服のケアにタイパを求める女性のための美シルエットパンツ
QTUME tuck pants *English follows <Design Detail> アクティブに働き、お洋服を丁寧にケアする時間を持てない女性のための美シルエットパンツ お家に帰ってきて、ぽ~んと椅子の上にかけて置いてもシワの心配なし。 移動の多い営業のお仕事の方にも重宝して頂けそうな1枚。 速乾性、ストレッチ性、高アンチピリング、UV加工、撥水加工といった機能面に優れた素材を使用。 タックで太ももを膨らませて裾ダーツで細くなる、ややハイウエストのコクーンシルエットは、足長や細見え効果アリ。 両サイドにポケット バックのフラップボタンはフェイク 着用シーズン、9月~12月上旬、3~6月 https://www.instagram.com/p/CxCrFtYvOAA/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> トップスは短めやインすることで、太ももから膨らむシルエット際立たせる着こなしに。 足元はブーティでカッコ良くキメるのも、スニーカーで少し肌を見せて軽快な印象で履くのも春先は良さそう。 <素材> ポリエステル100% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size): ウエスト周り(後ろゴム)66~82cm 着丈93cm *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティは12㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> Beautiful Silhouette Pants for Women with Active Lifestyles These pants are designed for busy women who work actively and don't have the time for meticulous clothing care. Even when you come home and casually drape them over a chair, you don't have to worry about wrinkles. They are also perfect for professionals with a lot of travel in their work. These pants are made from high-performance materials that excel in functionality, including quick-drying, stretch, excellent anti-pilling, UV protection, and water-repellent treatment. The cocoon silhouette with a slightly high waist, achieved through tucks that add volume to the thighs and dart seams that taper toward the hem, offers the illusion of longer legs and a slimmer appearance. These pants come with convenient side pockets, and the flap buttons on the back are for decorative purposes only. Recommended wear season: September to early December and March to June. https://www.instagram.com/p/CxCrFtYvOAA/?hl=ja Watch insta video for more detai. <Styling Tip> Create a Striking Silhouette with Short or Tucked-In Tops Achieve a distinctive look by pairing this piece with shorter or tucked-in tops, emphasizing the silhouette that flares from the thighs. For your footwear, you can either go for a stylish look with ankle boots or opt for a fresh and casual impression by wearing sneakers that expose a bit of skin. This versatility makes it a great choice for early spring. <SIze> Size 38 (one size) Waist(elastic band at the back 66~82cm / 26~ 32.2inch Body length 93cm / 36.6inch *Model height 168㎝/ 66.1inch *The model wears a black bootie with 12cm / 4.7inch <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME 優しいパープルのヤク100%Knit
QTUME 100% yak high neck knit *English follows <Design Detail> 寒く暗い冬に、上品で綺麗なパープルが暖かさだけでなく、気分もアゲてくれるヤク100%ニット。 ヤクの保温性は、カシミアを凌ぐ保温性を持つとも言われ、耐久性にも優れています。 日本では以外にも歴史が古く、戦国時代の武将の兜などに防寒用ではなく、装飾用としてヤクの毛が使われていたようです。 折らずにすーっと立ちあがるハイネックのデザインが端正な印象。 首にフィットするデザインでも、柔らかくフワッフワな肌当たりでチクチク感は少ない。 ボディーは少し長めでゆったり。ただ、ラグラン袖なので華奢な方にも綺麗にフィット。 <Styling Tips> 着丈が長めでサイドスリットもあるので、パンツならスキニーでもワイドでもOK。 お色は冬は白で合わせるのがオススメ。軽さと暖かみを感じるコーデになりますよ。 <素材> ヤク100% クリーニング <Size> Size 38 (one size): 肩幅cm アームホール巾23cm 袖丈cm 着丈cm *モデルは身長168㎝、スニーカーは2㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> In the cold and dark winter, a Yak 100% knit in an elegant and beautiful purple not only provides warmth but also lifts your mood. The insulation of Yak is said to surpass that of Cashmere, and it also boasts excellent durability. Surprisingly, Yak has a long history in Japan, and during the Warring States period, Yak hair was used not for insulation but as decoration on the helmets of samurai. The high-neck design, standing up straight without folding, gives a dignified impression. Despite fitting snugly around the neck, the soft and fluffy texture minimizes any prickly sensation. The body is a bit longer and spacious. However, with raglan sleeves, it fits beautifully even on slender figures. <Styling Tip> <Fabric Composition> Yak 100% Dry cleaning only Made in China <SIze> Size 38 (one size) Bust 118cm / 46.5inch Armhole width 23cm / 9.1inch Body length 68cm / 26.8inch *Model height 168㎝/ 66.1inch *The model wears trainers with 2cm / <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME 春色 マルチカラー ウエストゴム フレアスカート
<ブランド説明> QTUME *English as follows Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <素材> ポリエステル00% 手洗い可 <Size> size 38 one size ウエスト周り60㎝~96㎝ 着丈89㎝ *モデルは身長154㎝ 7~9号 12㎝ヒールを履いています *7~13号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます <Design Detail> 10mもの生地を使用しているブランド定番のチュールスカート 春のコーデを断然楽しくしてくれる1枚 着丈は比較的小柄な人もマキシ丈でいける89㎝ 2枚重ね+サテンの裏地 裾は切りっぱなし <Styling tips> 春が待てずに冬から着たい方は、ニット合わせも全然アリ 写真のように毛足の長いニットを選ぶのも、スカートの素材とのメリハリが出るのでお勧め スカートに入っているイエローやピンクのトップスで、春らしく甘めに合わせるのも良し ライダースやブラックのアイテムで甘辛ミックスでいくのもGood <Brand Description> QTUME QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. <Fabric> polyester 100% Hand wash Made in China <Size> French size 38( one size) Waist 60㎝~96cm/ 23.6~ i37.8nch ( elastic band on whole waist Body Length 89㎝/ 35inch *Model height 154㎝/ 60.6inch size S *She wears high heel 12㎝/4.7inch heel <Design Detail> An eye-catching tulle skirt as if you were flooded with spring light! The skirt uses 10m of the tulle fabric, layered the same fabric underneath and the satin one undermost. The fully elastic waist enables peoeple with a variety of body figure to enjoy the skirt. ↑Insta video of model wearing Shop the knit wear styled together here <Styling Tips> Choose one of the pastel colour used in the skirt to complete a sweet spring look, like pink, yellow, and lime green etc. You can also enjoy styling up with a biker jacket for a sweet and spicy mood *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
<ブランド説明> QTUME *English as follows Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <素材> ウール100% クリーニング <Size> 38 one size 胸囲約210㎝ 着丈87㎝ *モデルは身長168㎝ 7~9号 12㎝ヒールを履いています *7~15号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます <Design Detail> ライトグレーx少しブルーがかったグレーのすごく微妙なお色違いのリバーシブルマント サイズ感はたっぷり、生地感もしっかり。 ただ、動いた時はとっても優雅に揺れます どちらに着てもポケット、2つ目、3つ目のボタンは比翼仕立てのスナップ <Styling tips> ある程度長さもあるミディ丈のポンチョですが、両サイドに大きくスリットが入っているので、160㎝以上ある方ならフレアスカートでも楽しめます もちろん、ワイドパンツやスキニーパンツ、バサッとしたワンピの上にもGood 写真のようなジャカードなどの生地感のあるモノや、プリントスカートやパンツの味付け役にも良さそう <Brand Description> QTUME QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. <Fabric> Wool 100% Dry Clean only Made in China <Size> French size 38( one size) Bust 210㎝/82.7inch Sleeve width 26cm/inch Body Length 87㎝/34.3inch *Model height 168㎝/ 66.1inch about Ssize *The model wear bootie with 12㎝/4.7inch heel <Design Detail> This is a reversible cape, which has a very slight difference in colour, light grey and blueish grey. But the small colour difference contributes to the noble and sophisticated image. Despite the thickness of the fabric the coat flows exceptionally beautiful, when you move with it. The 2nd and 3rd button is fly front on both side, and there are two big pockets in front, as well as back side. Loose arm width and deep slit on both side helps you move freely, although some mant often has a certain limitation with movement. https://www.instagram.com/p/ClgCi6QtInk/?hl=ja ↑Insta video of model wearing <Styling Tips> If you are over 165/65inch or used to wear high heels, style the mant with a flare skirt for a typical winter sophisticated look. Or you may enjoy a bit hard lady look, styling with a black tight skirt, long leather gloves, and black boots. This mant is also perfect for early spring day with white shirt and skinny jeans!
<Brand 説明> QTUME *English as follows Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <素材> ポリエステル100% 裏地無し 手洗い可 <Size> 38 one size 肩幅38㎝ 胸囲94㎝ 着丈(フリル無し)46㎝ 着丈前(with フリル)54cm 着丈後ろ(withフリル) 62cm *モデルは身長158㎝ 7~9号 履いているシューズは6㎝ヒール *7~9号の方に綺麗にお召しいただけます。 <Design Detail> エコレザーのシングルライダースJK とってもしなやかな皮のような質感 ダブルジップになっているので、インナーとのレイヤードコーデが楽しめる 袖口はゴムはテンションしっかり 捲った時にも綺麗にきまる 裾ののフリルは内側ボタンで取り外し可 更にスッキリ、ミニマルな着こなしに 肩もアームもコンパクトなので、コートの下にも着用可 両サイドにポケット 梅雨~夏場以外、長いシーズン着用できます お家で手洗いできるのも嬉しい https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck3JZUnB95Y/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> パンツでもスカートでもボトム選ばずの便利な着丈 落ち感のあるバサッとしたワンピースに重ねるのも良さそう 裾のフリルを取り外せば、フレアスカートでもOK ダブルジップを両方上げて、プリントTやフロントに立体的なデザインのあるお洋服とのコーデを楽しむのも <Brand Description> A Japanese brand from Kyoto, QTUME offers sophisticated office casual wear for urban women. The brand's main focus is an outfit for working women, but they often use strong colour knitwear such as bright yellow, blue and clean red etc, which could be as accent colour on daily basis. <Fabric Composition> Polyester 100% no lining Hand wash ok Made in Japan <Size> French size 38, one size Shoulder width 37cm/15inch Bust 94cm/37inch Sleeve Length(from shoulder to cuff) 57cm /22.4inch Sleeve width 24cm/9.4inch Body length( without Frill) 18.1inch Body length front (with frill)21.3inch Body Length back (with frill) 24.4inch *Model's height: 158cm/62.2inch, XS size wearing bootie with 2.4inch heel <Design Detail> Eco Leather riders jacket with detachable frill. The fabric is very supple and feels like genuine leather. Enjoy what to layer underneath, as the zipper is a double zip which you can play with . Elastic cuffs makes the natural and nice silhouette, when rolling up your arms The frill can be detached with the hidden buttons inside Without the frill, it can be mini bolero jacket. There are pockets on both front side. https://www.instagram.com/p/Ck3JZUnB95Y/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= *Watch the Insta video for more detail <Styling tips> The right length to style with any types of skirts and trousers. You may want to detach the frill when coordinating with flare skirt This jacket is also ideal for dressing up with dresses! Enjoy layering by using the double zipper, by showing drapey front design piece underneath or simply funky print T-shirts in fornt.
QTUME これを被ればだれでも可愛くなれる魔法のポンチョ
QTUME *English follows <Design Detail> これを被ればだれでも可愛くなれる魔法のポンチョ。 サイズレスで、どなたが着ても体のラインなど気にせずポンチョの丸んとしたラインがあなたを大人可愛く見せます。 動きの制約のないポンチョシルエットの上、素材はソフトな風合いと軽さが特徴のダンボール素材。 電車移動の通勤から(暖房が効き、時に暑すぎる社内では腕が空いていると程よく温度調節できますよ。)、習い事への羽織り、ワンマイルのお買い物など、様々なシーンで活躍。 ツルっと綺麗めな表情の素材感が、甘くなりがちなポンチョを少し端正な雰囲気にしています。 太目のグログランテープのフード飾りが程よいデザインポイント。 両サイドにポケット。 <Styling tips> 美シルエトの上、スキニー、ワイド、フレア、タイト、マーメイド、、、どのボトムを持ってきても相性良し。 ボーダーロンTxデニムでカジュアルにまとめて日常を楽しんだり、 ちょっと素材感のあるフレアスカートにショーツブーツを合わせてはれの日を楽しんでみては。 <Size> Size 38 (one size): 身巾174cm 着丈88cm *胸囲や腕回りの制約が無いので、どなたでも綺麗にお召し頂けます *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティは12㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A Magical Poncho That Makes Everyone Look Cute This poncho is like a magic spell that makes anyone look cute. It's sizeless, so anyone can wear it without worrying about body lines. The round silhouette of the poncho gives you an sophisticated but pretty look. With a poncho silhouette that allows unrestricted movement and a material featuring softness and lightness, this is a perfect choice for various occasions. Whether it's your daily commute on the train (perfect for temperature adjustments as it can get warm indoors), as an outer layer for your hobbies, or for a casual shopping trip, it will shine in different scenes. The smooth and slightly formal texture of the material adds a touch of sophistication to this poncho, which can sometimes tend to be overly sweet. The moderately wide grosgrain tape on the hood is a stylish design accent. It also comes with pockets on both sides. <Styling Tip> A Perfect Match for Various Bottoms - Skinny, Wide pants, Flare, Tight, Mermaid skirt... This piece pairs well with a wide range of bottoms, ensuring a beautiful silhouette no matter which bottom you mix with. You can go for a casual everyday look by combining it with a striped long T-shirt and denim. Alternatively, try matching it with a textured flare skirt and short boots for a special occasion. <SIze> Size 38 (one size) Bust 174cm / 68.5inch Body length cm / 34.6inch *Model height 168㎝/ 66.1inch *The model wears a black bootie with 12cm / 4.7inch <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
再々入荷!QTUME お手頃&高見えなデニムジャンスカ
QTUME denim salopette skirt <Design Detail> 軽さや華やかさを感じるデニムのジャンスカ。 デニムのジャンスカというと、ぼてっと厚手の生地のタイトやAラインシルエットで子供っぽい印象になりがち。。。 サイドのフレアデザインが効いたQTUMEのサロペットスカートは、薄手で軽く優雅な印象。 大人の女性のワンマイルの1着として取り入れれば、装いの幅が広がりそう。 ジッパーとベルト面の前後着用可。 ベルトはアジャスター付き。 どちらの面でも両サイドにポケット。 https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvrGHxrrka6/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling Tips> ボーダーTに籠バッグやキャップなどで牧歌的にまとめるのも、もちろん可愛いけど、 デニムと言ってもシルエットに優雅さを持っているので、透け感のあるブラウスや流行りのボリュームスリーブトップを合わせると、グッとこなれた雰囲気に。 <素材> 綿100% 手洗い可 <Size> size 38 one size 胸囲90㎝ 着丈131㎝~139 *胸囲は脇下の端から端までの長さです。このワンピースは脇が大きく開いているので胸回りはゆったりしています。 *モデルは身長162㎝ 7号 スニーカーは3㎝ヒール *大体7~11号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます <ブランド説明> QTUME Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A denim jumpsuit skirt that exudes lightness and vibrancy. When it comes to denim overall skirt, they often give off a bulky, heavy fabric impression with tight or A-line silhouettes that might appear childish... However, the flare design on the sides of the QTUME overalls skirt adds a stylish touch to this lightweight and gracefully designed piece. As a one-mile outfit for adult women, it could expand the range of your wardrobe choices. It's reversible with zippers and belts for both front and back wear. The belt comes with an adjuster. There are pockets on both sides of either face. https://www.instagram.com/reel/CvrGHxrrka6/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== Watch insta video for detail <Styling tips> Coordinating with a striped t-shirt and accessories like a rustic basket bag or a cap is, of course, adorable, But even though it's denim, the silhouette exudes elegance. Pairing it with a sheer blouse or a trendy voluminous sleeve top adds a sophisticated touch, elevating the overall look significantly. <Fabric> cotton 100% Hand wash <Size> French size 38( one size) Bust 90cm Body length 131cm~139cm( with adjuster) *Model is 162㎝ / 63.8 inch tall with 3cm / 1.2inch heel <Brand Description> QTUME QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!