THURIUM 季節問わず楽しめるロマンティックなワンピース
THURIUM *English follows <Design Detail> 季節問わず楽しめるロマンティックなワンピース ふんわりシルエットと袖口のフリルが甘めな印象ですが、ジャカード地にマットな光沢のサテンをドッキングすることで、高級感を感じる佇まいに。 袖と襟元のパイピングも全体の印象を引き締めています。 トレンドカラーのバターイエローは、春の日差しに綺麗に映えそう。 深めのネイビーは印象ががらりと変わって、とっても落ち着いた雰囲気。 お家で手洗いでき、真夏以外長い季節着れるのも嬉しい。 モデルの着動画はこちら https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFg0snYz6j5/?igsh=a2dkaWI2YTFrNmx0 <Styling Tip> 一枚で決まるワンピースだけど、重ね着も楽しもう。 下にパンツを履いてサンダルを合わせれば、リラックスなボヘミアンvibe 秋冬はファーのジレを羽織って、ブーツを合わせればとっても大人ガーリーな雰囲気。夜遊びに行く時のお出かけコーデに。 <素材> レーヨン50% ポリエステル30% ナイロン20% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 36 肩幅33cm 胸囲112cm アームホール巾30cm 袖丈59cm 着丈121.5cm Size 38 肩幅35cm 胸囲112cm アームホール巾31cm 袖丈60cm 着丈121.5cm *このワンピースはsize36とsize38の差がほとんどありません。肩幅が2cm広くなるくらいです。 *モデルは身長161㎝ *履いているヒールは7㎝ヒール <Brand 説明> WALDO同様、及川絵美がデザインするブランド。多くは、大人の女性が自然体でいられるようなリラックスした雰囲気。デザイナーさんもアースカラーが好きらしいので、リトハピ的にも今後が楽しみなブランド。 <Design Detail> A Romantic Dress for Every Season The soft, airy silhouette and frilled cuffs add a touch of sweetness, while the combination of jacquard fabric and matte satin elevates it with a refined elegance. Piping details at the sleeves and neckline subtly sharpen the overall look. Butter yellow, a trendy hue, beautifully catches the light in spring, while deep navy offers a sophisticated and serene alternative. Easy to hand wash at home and wearable through most seasons—making it a timeless favorite. https://www.instagram.com/reel/DFg0snYz6j5/?igsh=a2dkaWI2YTFrNmx0 Watch the insta video for detail <Styling Tip> A one-and-done dress that stands out on its own, yet invites layering for added style. For a relaxed bohemian vibe, layer it over pants and pair it with sandals. In fall and winter, throw on a faux fur vest and boots for a chic, grown-up girly look—perfect for a night out. <Fabric composition> rayon50% polyester30% nylon20% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size 36 Shoulder width33cm Bust112cm Armhole width30cm Sleevelength59cm Body length121.5cm Size 38 Shoulder width35cm Bust112cm Armhole width31cm Sleevelength60cm Body length121.5cm *not much difference in size between size 36 and size 38, Model is 161cm tall *Wearing the high heel with 7㎝ heel <Brand Description> THURIUM is created by a Japanese designer, Emi Oikawa. Most of her design allows women to be natural and relax at ease, often oversized shape. With the use of original fabric within each collection that is produced various production region in Japan, the brand clearly differentiates itself from just any lose-fitting clothes. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Lora Gene 無駄を削ぎ落したタイムレスなデザイン。
Lora Gene *English follows <Design Detail> 流行に流されず、タイムレスな美しさをもとめるあなたへ。 無駄を削ぎ落したFit & Flareのシルエットを、上質なバージンウールのみで織り上げたワンピース。 少し高めに配されたベルトが、下半身を長くスラッと見せてくれます。 控えめで小ぶりな襟と、貝ボタンが、奥ゆかしく上品な雰囲気を演出。 両サイドにポケット。 <Styling tips> 清潔感を感じる佇まいなワンピースなので、あまり着崩さず上品で正統派な着こなしを心掛けたい。 例えば、モコっとしたカーディガンよりハイゲージでツルっとしたもの、パーカーやプルゾンよりコンパクト着丈のジャケットがベター。 スッキリしたデザインンの白スニーカーを素足で合わせてもヘルシーな雰囲気を楽しむのも◎ <素材> バージンウール100% 40度で手洗い可。 Made in Bulgaria <Size> size XS 肩幅36cm 胸囲82cm アームホール巾19cm 袖丈53cm 着丈115㎝ size S 肩幅37cm 胸囲86cm アームホール巾19cm 袖丈55cm 着丈116㎝ size M 肩幅38cm 胸囲90cm アームホール巾19.5cm 袖丈55cm 着丈116㎝ *着用モデルは身長168cm, モデルは胸囲があるため、どちらの色もMサイズを着用。 7㎝のヒールを履いています。 *比較的小さめなサイズ感。大体の目安ですが、XSでsize 5, 34, Sでsize 7 size 36, Mでsize 7-9号, size 36-38 <ブランド説明> Lora Gene London在住のブルガリア人デザイナー、ローラがデザインするブランド。 生産は全てブルガリアの小さな自社工場で行っています。シンプルな中にモードなディテールを盛り込んだ、ビジネスシーンでも活躍なお洋服。 <Design Detail> For those who seek timeless elegance over fleeting trends. This Fit & Flare dress embodies understated sophistication, crafted entirely from premium virgin wool. The slightly elevated belt placement creates a sleek and elongated silhouette for the lower body. A modest, petite collar and delicate shell buttons add a touch of refined charm. Practical yet stylish, the dress also features pockets on both sides. <Styling Tip> This dress exudes a clean and polished aesthetic, making it ideal for styling in an elegant and classic way without overcomplicating the look. For example, opt for a sleek, fine-gauge cardigan rather than a bulky one, or choose a cropped jacket instead of a hoodie or blouson for a more refined vibe. Pairing it with simple, clean-lined white sneakers worn barefoot also creates a fresh and effortlessly chic look. <Fabric Composition> virgin wool 100% Hand wash at 40 degrees Made in Bulgaria <Size> size XS shoulder width36cm bust82cm armhole width19cm sleeve length53cm body length115㎝ size S shoulder width37cm bust86cm armhole width19cm sleeve length55cm body length116㎝ size M shoulder width38cm bust90cm armhole width19.5cm sleeve length55cm body length116㎝ *Model is 168㎝ tall, wearing size M with 7cm high heel <Brand Description> Lora Gene A brand designed by Lora, a Bulgarian designer based in London. All production takes place in her small, self-owned factory in Bulgaria. The collection features simple yet sophisticated designs with a touch of modern edge, perfect for making a statement in professional settings. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer"
KOFTA 冠婚葬祭、このワンピースにお任せ下さい!
KOFTA <Design Detail> 冠婚葬祭、このワンピースにお任せください! KOFTAのオケージョンシリーズ。 センターのタックが縦ラインと、ほんのりハイネックが清楚な雰囲気を演出。 吸湿性と通気性のバランスが取れたトリアセテートをミックスした素材は蒸れにくく、快適 。 ナチュラルなストレッチ性がある生地が、日常のちょっとした動をサポート。 シワになりにくいので、長時間座ってのデスクワークが多い方にもおすすめ。 両サイドにポケット。 着丈は125㎝ありますが、サイドに入ったスリットが軽さを演出。 https://www.instagram.com/p/DD6WlNCzt-6/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/96290320 一緒にコーデしているQTUMEのコートはこちら <Styling tip> 同素材のジャケットと合わせれば、クラシックなセレモニースタイルに。 コートはショート丈やセミロング丈、ダウンではなくウールのコートできちんとした印象で決めたい。 <素材> トリアセテート70% ポリエステル30% クリーニング Made in Japan <Size> Free size : 肩幅38cm 胸囲98.5cm アームホール巾21.5cm 袖丈49.5cm 着丈125cm *7~11号くらいの方に綺麗にフィットします。 *着用モデルは身長161cm 9号 *履いている7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明>: KOFTA KOFTAは、スウェーデン語で”カーディガン”。春夏は涼しくてベタベタしない極細の綿ジャージ素材、冬は薄くて暖かいシルクxカシミヤ素材等を日本の工場と共に素材開発し、毎シーズンの定番素材として提案しています。裏原宿を抜け、表参道裏の静かなエリアの一軒家にオフィスを構え、家族経営と数名のチーム。ニットのように温かみが感じられるブランドです。 <Design Detail> Leave all your formal occasions to this dress! From KOFTA’s occasionwear series, this dress exudes elegance with its center tuck detail that enhances vertical lines and a subtle high neck for a refined look. Crafted with a blend of triacetate, the fabric balances breathability and moisture-wicking properties, ensuring comfort even during long wear. The naturally stretchy material supports effortless movement in your daily life. Wrinkle-resistant, it’s perfect for those with long hours of desk work or extended events. Features include practical side pockets and a 125cm length complemented by side slits for a touch of lightness and ease. https://www.instagram.com/p/DD6WlNCzt-6/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/96290320 Shop the coat styled together <Styling Tips> Pair it with the matching jacket for a timeless ceremonial look. For outerwear, opt for a short or semi-long wool coat instead of a down jacket to maintain a polished and sophisticated impression. <Fabric Composition> tori acetate70% polyester30% Dry cleaning Made in Japan <Size> Free size : shoulder width38cm bust98.5cm armhole width21.5cm sleeve length49.5cm body length125cm *Model's height 161cm *The model wears the heels with 7cm. <Brand Description> KOFTA KOFTA is a Japanese brand, meaning "cardigan" in" Swedish". The brand is based in heart of Tokyo, Harajuku but it is a small family owned business specialised in high quality knit wear which is mostly made in Japan. This is the No 1 seller brand in Little Happiness, and we fully trust of the quality of the garment, so don't worry about choosing KOFTA! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
divka Black size 1 再入荷! 近未来の中に慎ましさも感じるワンピース。
divka *English follows <Design Detail> 修道女のような慎ましさの中にフューチャリティックな雰囲気も纏ったワンピース。 ボートネックが立ち上がったような構築的な首元。 前面は首元のデザイン以外はシンプルなAラインですが、袖下sと脇パーツにリブを配することでデザインにリズムを冬するとともに、スポーティーなムードも+。 後ろから見ると2ピースだったり、ケープを重ねているかのようなデザイン。 袖下と脇パーツにリブを配し、スポーティーな印象を生み出しています。 後身頃に紐がついています。 後ろファスナーあき。 生地は、オーストラリアのバージンウールにヴィスコースをブレンド、ウォッシャブルにするためにポリエステルをプラス。 もっちりとした膨らみ、ストレッチ性が高く、ジャージのような着心地。 シワになりにくく、手洗い可能なイージーケア素材。 https://www.instagram.com/p/DBDCIHdxOPd/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling Tips> 日常でのお仕事~夜の会食などといったちょっと特別なシーンにも活躍しそうな1枚。 ヒールやショートブーティはもちろん、 秋冬はファーのジレにロングブーツを合わせた着こなしも冬のムードを演出してくれそう。 <Size> Size1 胸囲約92cm 裄丈84.0cm 着丈21.0cm size2 胸囲約96cm 裄丈86.0cm 着丈123.0cm size3 胸囲約100cm 裄丈88.0cm 着丈126.0cm *モデル身長168㎝ どちらの色もsize2を着用 履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール <素材> レーヨン33% ポリエステル33% ウール29% ポリウレタン5% 裏地無し 透けません Made in Japan <ブランド説明> divka Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <Design Detail> Here’s the translation for your product description: A dress that embodies a modest, almost nun-like simplicity with a futuristic twist. The boat neck features a structured design that stands slightly upright. The front has a simple A-line silhouette except for the neck design, but with ribbed panels under the sleeves and at the sides, it adds rhythm to the design while also introducing a sporty mood. From the back, it appears as if it’s a two-piece or layered with a cape. Ribbing is also placed under the sleeves and side panels to enhance the sporty look. There’s a tie at the back, and the dress features a back zipper closure. The fabric is a blend of Australian virgin wool and viscose, with polyester added to make it washable. It has a soft, plush texture, excellent stretch, and a jersey-like comfort. It’s also wrinkle-resistant and can be hand-washed for easy care. https://www.instagram.com/p/DBDCIHdxOPd/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail <Styling Tips> A versatile piece that can effortlessly transition from everyday work to special evening dinners. Pair it with heels or short booties, and for autumn and winter, try styling it with a fur vest and long boots to create a chic winter vibe. <Fabric composition> rayon33% polyester33% wool29% polyurethane5% No lining Handwash Made in Japan <Size> Size1 bust92cm the length from centre back to the sleeve hem84.0cm body length21.0cm size2 bust96cm the length from centre back to the sleeve hem 86.0cm body length123.0cm size3 bust100cm the length from centre back to the sleeve hem88.0cm body length126.0cm *Model is 168㎝ wearing size 2 in both colour with 7cm heel bootie. <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
divka スポンと被るだけでとってもオシャレに見えちゃいます。
divka wool x cotton jersey dress <Design Detail> スポンと被るだけなのに、絶対に誰とも被らない特徴的なシルエット。 スニーカーを履いてワンマイルやご近所の散策を楽しむのにピッタリ。 表はエクストラファインウール、肌に当たる裏面には綿で編み立てることで、保温性を保ちつつ着心地の良さも叶えます。 上はボリューム、下はスッキリなシルエットで体のラインをスッキリ見せます。 後ろ姿のギャザーもデザインに程よいリズムを付与。 車移動の多い方にはジャージ素材で動きやすいので、特にオススメ。 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz0YJHgv3Qe/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling Tips> スニーカーに気楽に決めるだけでなく、綺麗めなブーツで決め薄手の大判をストールを巻けば上品な着こなしに。 コートとの重ね着はきちんと肩の入ったモノをは難しいですが、ドロップショルダーやラグラン袖のモノとならレイヤード出来そう。 <素材> ウール47% 綿46% ナイロン7% Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 胸囲144cm 着丈114㎝ Size 2 胸囲148cm 着丈116㎝ *着用モデルは167cm, size1を着用 *履いているブラックのパンプスは2㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> divka *English follows Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <Design Detail> A distinct silhouette that stands out without any effort. Perfect for wearing sneakers and enjoying a casual stroll or a one-mile walk. The exterior is made of extra-fine wool, while the inner side in contact with the skin is knitted with cotton, providing warmth and comfortable wear. With a voluminous top and a sleek bottom silhouette, it creates a slimming effect. The gathered detailing at the back adds a subtle rhythm to the design. Highly recommended for those who often commute by car, as the jersey material allows for easy movement. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cz0YJHgv3Qe/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for more detail <Styling Tips> Not just easygoing with sneakers, but you can also elevate your look with elegant boots and a thin, oversized scarf for a sophisticated ensemble. Layering with a coat can be challenging if it has a structured shoulder, but it works well with drop-shoulder or raglan-sleeved options." <Fabric composition> Wool47% cotton46% nylon7% hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 Bust 144cm / 56.7inch Body Length 114cm / 44.9inch Size 2 Bust 148cm / 583inch Body Length 116cm / 45.7inch *Model is 167㎝ / inch tall, wearing size 1, with the pumps 2cm / 0.87inch heel <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
PANORMO このドレスを身にまとい、大切な日にあなたは自信を持って輝ける。
PANORMO embroidery panel dress *English follows <Design Detail> このドレスがあれば、あなたは大切な日に自信をもって輝ける。 オリジナルの刺繍パネルと滑らかな肌触りと光沢を放つアセテート地が高級感を感じさせる一着。 刺繍は繊細で軽い雰囲気の刺繍には、音楽家のデザイナーらしくさりげなく音楽モチーフも。 ウエストの紐は後ろで結んでシルエットの変化を楽しめます。 垂らしておくだけでもデザインに動きが出て素敵です。 アシンメトリーな裾ラインは、動くたびにエレガントでドラマティックな表情を見せてくれます。 第2ボタンからは比翼仕立て。前開き仕様。 両サイドにポケット。 https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90652986 一緒にコーデしているPANORMOのブルゾンはこちら <Styling Tip> 白やブラックのテーラードorノーカラージャケットで、きちんと決めるのも良いし、 ブルゾンでカジュアルダウンするのもおすすめ。 足元はスッキリしたヒールやショートブーツが良さそう。 <素材> 表地(刺繍下地) ポリエステル 100% 刺しゅう部分 ポリエステル75% ナイロン25% 表地 アセテート 100% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 肩幅39cm 身幅118.5cm アームホール巾23.5cm 袖丈 59.5cm 着丈110cm *モデルは身長168cm 履いているブラックのブーティは7㎝ヒール <Brand 説明> 「演奏家の目から見た演奏家の為のドレス」をメインテーマに、ヴァイオリニストの花井悠希がデザイン。当店でも取り扱いのあるJun Okamotoの岡本さんが監修しています。Junさんデザインより、少しシックな雰囲気。 <Design Detail> With this dress, you can shine with confidence on your most cherished days. This piece exudes elegance with its original embroidered panels and luxurious acetate fabric, offering a silky texture and soft sheen. The delicate, airy embroidery subtly incorporates musical motifs, a nod to the designer’s background as a musician. The waist tie can be fastened at the back, allowing you to adjust the silhouette for a unique look. Leaving it loose also adds a sense of movement to the design. The asymmetric hemline gracefully flows with every step, creating a dramatic, sophisticated impression. The dress has a concealed button placket starting from the second button, and a front opening design. Convenient side pockets on both sides complete the look. https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90652986 Shop the blouson styled together. <Styling Tips> Pairing it with a tailored or collarless jacket in classic white or black can give it a polished, refined look. Or, dress it down with a blouson jacket for a more relaxed vibe. For footwear, sleek heels or short boots make a great match. <Fabric composition> Base fabric of embroidery Polyester100% Embroidery: Polyester75% Nylon25% Surface fabric Acetate100% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size1 Shoulder width39cm Bust118.5cm Sleeve length59.5cm armhole width23.5cm Body length110cm Model is 168cm with the bootie and bootie with 7㎝ heel <Brand Description> The main theme is "Dresses for musicians as seen by musicians," designed by violinist Yuki Hanai. Supervised by Jun Okamoto, whose designs we also carry at our store, it has a slightly chic atmosphere compared to his designs. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
HISUI かなりsizeless! でもおもしろ可愛いワンピース
HISUI hexagon-cut oversize dress *English as follows <Design Detail> 一癖あるガーリーなワンピース。 今シーズンのテーマ「HEXAGON」、六角形でひたすら切り替えて作られたオーバーサイズのフレアワンピース。 小柄な方にも楽しんで頂けるよう、Sサイズも作ってもらいました。 Sサイズでも胸囲140cmある超ビッグサイズなのに、華奢な方が着てもストンと体に馴染じむのが不思議。 たっぷりのボリュームが楽しいシルエット ボトルネックのネックラインと袖先は柔らかなポンチ素材で切り替え、デザインにリズムを生み出しています。 袖先の巾を少し太めにすることで、少しカジュアルなムードをプラス。 ちなみに、アームホールの切り替えも六角形。 更に両サイドに配されたポケットも、六角形に模られた大容量ポケット。 https://www.instagram.com/p/DAXbRw9ybrc/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tip> 透け無しの綿ワンピースなので、春~初夏は1枚で。袖は二の腕が気にならない程よい長さ。 秋冬はピタッとするハイネックか、ボートネックのインナーを重ねるのがオススメ。 長身の方で着丈が短いなと思う方は、厚手のタイツで膝の線を消して、ブーツを履いてしまえば、短さはあまり気になりませんよ。 <素材> 綿100% 裏地無し 透けません Made in Japan <Size> Size S 胸囲140cm 着丈106cm Size M 胸囲143cm 着丈113cm *モデルは身長168cm、7号~9号。身幅的にはSサイズでも大丈夫ですが、身長があるため、Mサイズを着用しています。 *7㎝ヒールを履いています。 <ブランド説明> HISUI Comme de Garconでキャリアを積んだ、伊藤弘子がデザインする日本ブランド。 エネルギッシュなビタミンカラーや、ボリュームで遊ぶ、エッジが効いた服が多いですが、リトハピは比較的着やすい服をセレクト <Design Detail> A Playful Twist on a Girly Dress. Introducing this season’s theme: “HEXAGON.” This oversized flare dress is crafted entirely with hexagonal panels, creating a unique and eye-catching design. To ensure even petite customers can enjoy the look, we’ve added an S size. Despite its ultra-large size with a bust measurement of 140cm even in the S size—it drapes effortlessly on slender figures, creating a wonderfully flattering silhouette. The voluminous shape is playful and fun to wear. The high-neckline and cuffs are accented with soft ponte fabric, adding a touch of rhythm to the overall design. The cuffs are slightly wider, giving the dress a more casual, laid-back feel. Even the armhole transitions follow the hexagonal theme. And as a final touch, the large-capacity pockets on both sides are also hexagon-shaped, blending practicality with the dress’s unique geometric aesthetic. https://www.instagram.com/p/DAXbRw9ybrc/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail <Styling tips> Since this is an opaque cotton dress, it’s perfect to wear on its own from spring to early summer. The sleeves are just the right length to comfortably cover the upper arms. For fall and winter, we recommend layering it with a snug high-neck or boat-neck top underneath. If you’re tall and feel the length is a bit short, simply pair it with thick tights to soften the knee line, and finish the look with boots. That way, the shorter length won’t be an issue. <Fabric Composition> cotton100% no lining Made in Japan <Size> Size S Bust140cm Body length106cm Size M Bust143cm Body length113cm *The model is 168cm tall with 7cm heels wears size M <Brand Description> HISUI The clothes of HISUI, designed by a Japanese designer, Hiroko Ito, who has worked in Comme de Garcons, is energetic and playful. Her clothes is quite conceptual and may be described as seeking "cubism" which shape does not seem to exist in natural world. Thus, volume and line in unusual position is given to achieve the mood. She often uses vitamin colours like bright pink, lime green and so on with synthetic fabric to give an impression of hi-tech mood. On the other hand, she is enthusiastic about using organic cotton that is produced in child-labour free in Uzbekistan.
Munich 優雅で余裕を感じるデニムサロペット
Munich: flare denim salopette *English follows <Design Detail> フレアシルエットが女性らしいライトデニムのサロペット。 ドレープ性に富んだ薄手のデニム生地、 ジャンスカ見えするほどのフレアな裾巾、 華奢に見せてくれる深いVの衿ぐり 以上の3つのデザインポイントが、カジュアルになりがちなデニムサロペットを優雅な大人の女性のアイテムに昇華してくれています。 肩の帯先をあえて長くとり、前側に垂らし動きを付けるデザインもMunichらしい。 身巾をゆったり取り、袖のカマ底も低く設定しているので、肩帯をバックルから外さなくてもそのまま着用可能 両サイドにポケット。 https://www.instagram.com/p/C_w0To0R-UO/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling Tips> 袖下がゆったりしているので、春夏はTシャツやタンクトップ、秋冬はニットをインして1年中着用して頂けます。 ニットは綺麗めなハイゲージタートルを合わせれば綺麗めに着こなせるし、カウチンニットやモヘアなどの毛足の長いモノとも相性良し。 <素材> 綿100% <Size> size Free 股下54cm モモ周り90cm ヒップ113cm 総丈118cm *モデルは身長161㎝ 3㎝ヒールのブーティを着用 <ブランド説明> オンオフ両方着れるけれど、いわゆるヒラヒラなOLさんファッションというよりは、少しストリートや辛目なディテール使いが特徴のMunich(ミューニック)。お家でのケアも扱いやすい素材のモノが多いのも嬉しい。営業リーダー八重樫さんのもと社内の風通しは良好のようで、社員同士でのキャンプなどでチーム力も高い! <Design Detail> https://www.instagram.com/p/C_w0To0R-UO/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail. <Styling Tip> <Fabric composition> cotton100% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> size XS one size inseam 52cm Hip113cm width of thigh90cm length 118cm *Model height 161㎝ *The model wears bootie with 3cm heel <Brand Description> Munich Munich is a Japanese brand that offers casual wear for off-day and at-work. However their style is not typical Japanese office lady style that often looks very frilly, sweet, and bit dolly. Their style is rather street, urban with spicy detail eg. oversized silhouette and use of rusty fabric. Their collection is often washable, and easy-care at home, which fits to modern working women's lifestyle. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Munich 9月10月にも着たい麻ワンピ
Munich:Side slit linen dress *English follows <Design Detail> お盆も終わり、真夏の暑さの終わりは見えて来ても、台風のせいでまだまだ蒸し暑いし、雨も多くなる晩夏初秋。。。 そんな季節にはやっぱり麻が手放せません!吸水・発散性に優れ、肌に優しくサラッとした肌触り。 深すぎないブラウンは顔なじみが良く、秋の気分も演出。 デザインは、ゆったりした身巾で風通し良し。 少し長めの半袖丈で気になる二の腕をカバー。 両裾にはボタン開きを配し、開けると動きが出るだけでなく、パンツやロングスカートとのレイヤードも楽しめます。 <Styling Tips> シンプルなデザインなので、パンチのあるお色の靴を選んだり、ネックレスやブレスレットをジャラジャラと付けて楽しむのも良さそう。 ワイドパンツやロングスカートとレイヤードするときは、光沢だったり落ち感のあるモノといったワンピースとは違った素材感のモノと重ねると、より奥行きのあるスタイリングに。 <素材> 麻100% 裏地無し 太陽の下では少し透けます 手洗い可 Made in Japan <素材> Free size 胸囲120cm 着丈120㎝ *モデルは身長167㎝ 履いていスニーカーは2㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> オンオフ両方着れるけれど、いわゆるヒラヒラなOLさんファッションというよりは、少しストリートや辛目なディテール使いが特徴のMunich(ミューニック)。お家でのケアも扱いやすい素材のモノが多いのも嬉しい。営業リーダー八重樫さんのもと社内の風通しは良好のようで、社員同士でのキャンプなどでチーム力も高い! <Design Detail> With the end of Obon and the fading peak of summer heat, the lingering humidity and increased rainfall of late summer and early fall make linen indispensable. Linen excels in moisture absorption and evaporation, offering a gentle and crisp feel against the skin. The deep, muted brown complements a variety of skin tones and adds an autumnal touch. The design features a relaxed fit for good airflow and a slightly longer short sleeve to cover the upper arms. Button openings at both hems not only add movement but also enhance layering with pants or long skirts. <Styling Tip> The simple design allows for pairing with bold- colored shoes or layering on necklaces and bracelets for a fun, accessorized look. When layering with wide pants or a long skirt, choosing pieces with different textures—like something with a sheen or a fluid drape—can create a more dimensional and interesting outfit that contrasts beautifully with the dress. <Fabric composition> linen100% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Free size Bust120cm Body length120cm *Model height 167㎝ *The model wears the bootie and trainer with 3cm heel <Brand Description> Munich Munich is a Japanese brand that offers casual wear for off-day and at-work. However their style is not typical Japanese office lady style that often looks very frilly, sweet, and bit dolly. Their style is rather street, urban with spicy detail eg. oversized silhouette and use of rusty fabric. Their collection is often washable, and easy-care at home, which fits to modern working women's lifestyle. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
divka 寒く暗い季節に着たい、ひっそりとエレガントなローブ
divka 寒く暗い季節に着たい、ひっそりとエレガントなローブ *English follows <Design Detail> 桐生で織り上げれらた、かすり染めのようなブラックxピンクのジャカード生地を贅沢にたっぷり使ったワンピース、 冬の暗く寒い夜の日のお出かけを、ろうそくの火のようにじんわり温め、彩ってくれそう。 ベルトをせずバサッと着ても、紐で絞っても、どちらでも素敵なシルエット。 ポケットに付いた長めのフラップのデザイン、スタンドカラーのネックライン、長めのカフスもワンピースの形と相まって、中世のドレス的な雰囲気を醸し出しています。 前開きのジップアップだから、羽織りとしても着用可能。 https://www.instagram.com/p/C_RzJrAyT05/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90379963 一緒にコーデしているQTUMEのファージレはこちら <Styling Tips> 袖にボリュームがあるシルエットですが、生地はハリがありながらも柔らかいので、ラグラン袖やゆったり目のお袖のコートならレイヤード可能。 写真のようなファージレや、モヘアなどの素材感のあるニットとの重ね着も可愛い。 <Size> Size1 胸囲110cm アームホール巾35cm 着丈115cm Size2 胸囲110cm アームホール巾37cm 着丈125cm *モデル身長168㎝ どちらの色もsize1を着用 履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール *身巾、アームホールはとてもゆったりしているので、size1でも13号くらいの方サイズ1で綺麗にお召し頂けると思います。サイズ1と2は着丈でお選びください。 <素材> ポリエステル78% ウール22% 裏地無し 透けません <ブランド説明> divka Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <Design Detail> This dress is crafted from a luxurious jacquard fabric woven in Kiryu, featuring a black and pink pattern reminiscent of kasuri dyeing. It’s a piece that seems to gently warm and brighten cold winter nights like a flickering candle flame. Whether worn loosely without a belt or cinched with a tie, it creates a beautiful silhouette either way. The long flap design on the pockets, the stand collar neckline, and the extended cuffs add to its shape, evoking a medieval dress-like vibe. With a front zip closure, it can also be worn as a coat, offering versatility in styling. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_RzJrAyT05/?hl=ja Wathc the insta video for detail https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/90379963 Shop the eco-fur gilet styled together. <Styling Tips> The silhouette features voluminous sleeves, but since the fabric is both firm and soft, it's easy to layer under a coat with raglan sleeves or a relaxed fit. Layering it with a faux fur vest, as shown in the photo, or pairing it with a textured knit like mohair can create an adorable look. <Fabric composition> polyester78% wool22% No lining Drycleaning Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 Size1 Bust110cm Armhole width35cm Body length115cm Size2 Bust110cm Armhole width37cm Body length125cm *Model is 168㎝ wearing size 1 with 7cm heel bootie. <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
QTUME 大人の女性が無理なく着こなせる、ビスチェレイヤード風ワンピース
QTUME mermaid denim overall skirt *English follows <Design Detail> 大人の女性が無理なく着こなせる、ビスチェレイヤード風ワンピース トップの部分はストレッチが効き、シワになりにくい柔らかなダンボール素材。 バックサイドはゴムでギャザー。ドレープデザインがステキなだけでなく、ストレスフリーな着心地。 両サイドにポケット https://www.instagram.com/p/C_MZB1dS3kT/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> 袖にデザインがあるので季節の良い時に1枚で着るのがオススメ 足元は、スニーカーからヒールやショートブーツ変えれば、お洒落な日常着からちょっと素敵な場所へのお出かけまで幅広く楽しめます。 <素材> ポリエステル100% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size) 胸囲98cm 袖丈38cm 着丈125cm *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティはは7㎝ヒール *7~13号くらいの方まで幅広い方に綺麗にお召しただけます。 <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A layered bustier-style dress that's effortlessly wearable for adult women. The top portion is made from a soft, stretchable, and wrinkle-resistant scuba fabric. The back features gathered elastic, offering not only a beautiful drape design but also a stress-free fit. Pockets are conveniently placed on both sides. https://www.instagram.com/p/C_MZB1dS3kT/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail. <Styling Tips> With its distinctive sleeve design, this dress is best worn on its own during mild weather. You can easily switch up your look by changing your footwear—from sneakers for a casual day out to heels or short boots for a more polished occasion, making it versatile enough for various settings. <Fabric Composition> polyester100% Handwash Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 (one size) Armhole width25cm Bust 104cm Body length front58cm Body length back 66cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Mannequins JAPON drape tight fetish dress ドレープ タイトワンピース フェティッシュ
<ブランド説明> Mannequins JAPON *English follows 2020年春夏から取り扱いを始めた日本ブランド、マヌカンジャポン。デザイナーの坂口さんは、偶然にもリトハピの隣にある杉野服飾大学の先生としても活躍。 パターンの先生だけあって、マヌカンのお洋服はとにかく形が綺麗。一見ミニマルなデザインでも、綿密に計算されたタック使いなどで、着た時に意図したボリューム感やシルエットが出るようにデザインされています。 <素材> トリアセテート60% ポリエステル40% 裏地 ポリエステル100% クリーニング Made in Japan <Size> 38のone size サイズ:38 one size: 肩幅36cm 胸囲102cm+タックウエスト周り84cm、裄丈63c 袖丈45㎝ アームホール25cm *モデルは、身長162㎝ スレンダーな7号 パンプスは7㎝ヒール *大体7~9号の方が綺麗にお召し頂けます。 <Design Detail> 上品さを持ちながら棘や色気もある、 カワイイに媚びたくない、そんな強さを持った大人の女性のドレス。 落ち感が綺麗に出るトリアセテートと、前面にあしわらわれたツイストテクニックがデザインに躍動感と立体感を付与 襟ぐりのパイピング構造と、まるでレザーのような質感には、フェティッシュなムードが漂う また丸みを帯びた袖のシルエットも色気を引き立てる 両サイドにポケット https://www.instagram.com/p/CsSuZsUtHcr/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Coordinate tips> オーラがある、とびきりお洒落なお洋服 楽することは忘れ、きちんとヒールを履いて出かけよう お色はブラックはもちろん、ショルダーと合わせて赤を持ってくると又違った雰囲気に <Brand Description> Although Mannequins JAPON only started since 2015, The designer behind the brand, Mr. Hideaki Sakaguchi has been a head designer of the other brands for more than 2 decades. Not only he designs Mannequins JAPON, but also he is active as a professional teacher in Dress Maker Gakuin, which is one of the most established fashion school in Japan. The overall mood of collection is always minimal, sharp and extremely sophisticated, but in a fetish and sensual manner. To put the brand's core value briefly, it would be the precise and dynamic use of tack. They are designed to achieve the intended volume and silhouette. The entire collection is designed and made in Japan. <Fabric composition> Toriacetate60% polyester 40% Lining: polyester 100% Dry cleaning Made in Japan <Size> French size 38 one size Shoulder width 36㎝/ 14.2inch Bust: 102cm/ 40.2inch + Tuck Sleeve length 45cm / 17.7inch Arm hole width: 25㎝ / 9.8inch Waist 84cm / 33inch Body length: 106cm / 41.7inch * Model height 162㎝/ 63.7inch XS size *The model wears the trainer 2cm / 0.79inch heel <Design detail> This dress is for the strong, independent, and sophisticated woman who doesn't compromise on cuteness. It exudes both elegance and allure with a twist of edginess. The flowy triacetate fabric and twisted design on the front give the dress a sense of liveliness and dimension. The collar piping and leather-like texture add a touch of fetishism to the overall mood. The rounded sleeves also accentuate the dress's sensuality. And don't forget, it also has pockets on both sides! https://www.instagram.com/p/CsSuZsUtHcr/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail. <Coordinate tips> This sartorial masterpiece is imbued with an aura that will turn heads. Don't forget to wear your heels and put in the effort to look your best. For a pop of color, pair it with a bold red heels and the matching colour of shoulder bag. It could bring a whole new vibe to your outfit. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, befor
divka これ絶対使えます!最強のワンマイル フーディ
divka volume sleeve hoody dress <Design Detail> 撮影モデルをやってくれる学生さんが、”スーパーに着てくのにイイですね”って言ってくれたフーディのワンピース。 そう、スーパーにも着てける気軽さや普段着っぽさがあるのだけれど、フワッと膨らんだお袖とAラインのシルエットが絶妙! スーパーへの買い物はもちろん、街へのショッピング、ペットの散歩、旅行に子供たちとのお出かけなど、ありとあらゆるユル~くでいけるシーンで重宝し、絶対的にオシャレに見える1枚。 ラグランスリーブで腕回りの運動量があり動かしやすい。 ペタッとへたらず、綺麗に収まるフードのデザイン。 両サイドにポケット https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/77022868 モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling Tips> 1枚で着れる季節が長そうなアイテム。 ごつめのスニーカーやサンダルが引き立て役に良さそう。 トレンドのサコッシュとも相性良しです。 <素材> 綿100% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 1(大体7~11号くらい) 胸囲120cm 袖丈64cm 着丈前107㎝ 着丈後116cm Size 2(大体9~13号くらい)胸囲 120cm 袖丈67cm 着丈前113㎝ 着丈後120cm *着用モデルは身長162㎝、スラッとした7号。どちらの色もサイズ1を着用し、2㎝ヒールのスニーカーを履いています。 <ブランド説明> divka *English follows Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <Design Detail> The hoodie dress that the student modeling for us said, "It's perfect for a trip to the supermarket!" Indeed, it has the ease and casualness to be worn to the supermarket or on everyday occasions, but what makes it stand out are the fluffy puffed sleeves and the A-line silhouette - simply exquisite! Whether it's grocery shopping, strolling around the city, walking your pets, or going on a trip with your kids, this dress is versatile and a go-to for various relaxed occasions. It effortlessly looks stylish in any setting. The raglan sleeves allow for easy movement of the arms, and the hood design stays neatly in place without going flat. There are also pockets on both sides for added convenience. https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/77022868 Watch the insta video for more detail <Styling tips> A versatile piece that can be worn throughout multiple seasons. It pairs well with chunky sneakers or sandals, adding to its appeal. Also, it goes perfectly with the trendy "sacoche" bag. <Fabric composition> cotton100% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 Bust 120cm / 47.2inch Arm length 64cm / 25.2inch Body Length front 107cm / 42.1inch Body length back 120cm / 47.2inch Size 2 Bust 120cm / 47.2inch Arm length 67cm / 26.4inch Body length front: 113cm / 44.5inch Body length back 120cm 47.2inch *Model is 162㎝/ 63.8inch height , size XS, wearing size 1 in both colours with trainers 2cm/ 0.87inch heel <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Jun Okamoto 袖を通すのが楽しみにになるブラックフォーマル。
Jun Okamoto classic pleated dress *English follows <Design Detail> 袖を通すのが楽しみにになるブラックフォーマル。 着用する機会が限られるから適当に選びがちになったり、そもそも惹かれるピースが少ないブラックフォーマル。。。 そんな方に是非袖を通して欲しいワンピース。 身頃にぐるっと施した繊細なプリーツがきちんとした雰囲気を演出しつつ、軽快で少しガーリーなムードも感じます。 開襟の下にもう1枚共布の空きの小さいクルーネックをレイヤード。 https://www.instagram.com/p/Czp-SdMvQri/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/80302581 一緒にコーデしているMihoko Saitoのコートはこちら <Styling tips> コーデは基本的にクリーンで清楚な雰囲気を意識したいけれど、日常で使うときはボルドーやマスタードといったカラータイツで遊んでみると使えるシーンが広がりそう。 <素材> ポリエステル100% 裏地 ポリエステル100% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> 34 / 肩幅:36cm 身幅:99cm 袖丈:58cm 着丈:113cm 36 / 肩幅:37cm 身幅:102cm 袖丈:59.5cm 着丈:115cm 38 / 肩幅:38cm 身幅:105cm 袖丈:61cm 着丈:117cm *着用モデルは身長168cm, size 36を着用、 12㎝のブーティを履いています。 <ブランド説明> Jun Okamoto デザイナーの岡本順さんが毎シーズン物語を考え、それに沿ってコレクションが構成されていきます。オリジナル生地も毎シーズン必ず何パターンか登場します。 一見した形や色使いは、とても日本人的な雰囲気を感じるのですが、実際に着ると思いのほか華奢に見せるテクニックに、パリの空気も感じます。 <Design detail> A black formal dress that makes putting on the sleeves a delightful experience. Black formal wear is often chosen haphazardly due to limited occasions to wear it, or because there are few pieces that truly captivate. For those in such situations, I highly recommend trying on this dress. Delicate pleats encircle the torso, creating an elegant atmosphere while also imparting a light, slightly girlish mood. Under the open collar, there is an additional layer of fabric—a small, coordinating crew neck for a layered look. https://www.instagram.com/p/Czp-SdMvQri/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for more detail https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/80302581 Shop the coat styled together <Fabric Composition> polyester100% lining polyster100% Hand wash *do not use drying machine Made in Japan <Size> size 34 Shoulder width 36cm / 14.2inch Bust 99cm / 39inch Arm length 袖丈58cm / 22.8inch Body length113cm / 44.5inch Size 36 Shoulder width37cm / 14.6inch Bust102cm / 40.2inch Arm length59.5cm / 23.4inch Body length115cm / 45.3inch Size 38 Shoulder width38cm / 15inch Bust105cm / 41.3inch Arm length61cm / 24.1inch Body length117cm / 46.1inch *Model is 168㎝ / 66.1inch tall, wearing siz e36 with 12cm / 4.7inch heel <Brand Description> Jun Okamoto Jun Okamoto is a Japanese male designer originally from Kumamoto, south of Japan. His approach towards seasonal collection is unique. He always writes a story every season and the clothes is designed for the characters in his tale. The collection always has original fabric, and print that is created only for his collection. Overall image of the brand is soft, girly and a bit dolly, may be described as a stereotyped Japanese girl. But with the use of high quality fabric and the skill backed by having studied and worked in Paris, his collection is not for feeble girls but for ladies with some attitude! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer"
Mihoko Saito ”ちゃんとしたい”様々なシーンに
Mihoko cotton cape like dress *English follows <Design Detail> Max Maraのような強さと優雅さを感じるワンピース フォーマルなシーンにも相応しいのに、羽目を外さないくらいの絶妙な遊びが効いている。 そんなお洋服だと思います。 秘密は、後ろの分量を多く持たせていること。 歩いた時に風をはらんみ、マントのように広がる様が素敵。 素材は綿100%でありながら合繊のようなタッチと滑らかな風合い。 シワになり反発感を持った生地 黒は、ブラックフォーマルにも対応できるのに綿100%で快適な着心地。 着用シーズン: 真夏以外 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv1AAtEP1Vc/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> 上品な雰囲気なので、スニーカーなどで崩さず、足元も綺麗めでスッキリしたデザインのモノが良さそう。パンプス、ローファー、ブーツはショートでもロングでも◎ 寒くなってきたら、薄手のハイネックをレイヤードして温度調節を。 <素材> 綿100% 裏地無し 透けません 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 one size 肩幅36cm 胸囲117cm アームホール25cm 袖丈48.5cm 着丈102cm *モデルは身長162㎝ 7号 7㎝ヒールのブーティを履いています。 <ブランド説明> 斎藤 美保子がデザインする、フレンチシックでレトロなデイリーウエア。 Mihoko Saitoは洋服ラインで、Un-demiはインナーやソックス。リトハピでは主にUn-demiをセレクト。 2023年秋冬からは、洋服ラインのMihoko Saitoも充実したラインナップに。 <Design Detail> A dress that exudes the strength and elegance reminiscent of Max Mara. It's suitable for formal occasions yet maintains a perfect balance of subtle playfulness. The secret lies in its ample back volume. When you walk, it captures the wind and gracefully billows out like a cape, creating a stunning effect. Crafted from 100% cotton, it boasts a smooth and silky touch similar to synthetic fabrics. T he material resists wrinkles and offers a gentle rebound. The black color is versatile for black-tie events and provides comfort with its 100% cotton composition. Perfect for wearing during all seasons except for the hottest midsummer days. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cv1AAtEP1Vc/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for more detail <Styling Tip> With its elegant atmosphere, it's best to maintain a polished look by pairing it with sleek and clean footwear. Pumps, loafers, and both short and tall boots are all great choices. As the weather gets colder, you can layer with a lightweight turtleneck underneath. <Fabric composition> cotton 100% No lining Made in Japan <Size> Size 38 one size Shoulder width 36cm / 14.2inch Bust 117cm / 46.1inch Arm width 25cm / 9.8inch Arm length 48.5cm / 19.1inch Body length 102cm / inch *Model is 162㎝ / 63.8 inch tall wearing a bootie 7cm / 2.8inch heel <Brand Description> Mihoko Saito Mihoko Saito designs high quality daily wear with a bit of French touch. Mihoko Saito label offers clothing lines, while Un-demi focuses on innerwear and socks. At Little Happiness, we have mainly selected Un-demi products. However, from the 2023 autumn/winter season, we will expand the clothing line of Mihoko Saito. Look forward to it! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Mihoko Saito 緩くではなくカッコ良く着こなしたいジャンパースカート
Mihoko cotton apron dress *English follows <Design Detail> 大人の女性がカッコ良く着こなせる。普段の装いがランクアップするジャンパースカート ビスチェのようなコンパクトなトップスとずどんと伸びるロングスカートのシルエットでスタイル良く見せます。 綿100%でありながら合繊のような風合いを持ち、程よい光沢感が高級感を感じさせます。 肩の長さは、内側のボタンで3段階の調節が可能。 両サイドにポケット。 https://www.instagram.com/p/C3FFX_JP1hk/?img_index=1&hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> デザイナーさんの推しは、潔くワンピースとして1枚でカッコ良く! 透け感のあるトップスやカーディガンを合わせるのも素敵。 足元はぼてっとしたスニーカーでカジュアルにまとめるのではなく、ちょっとデザインがあったり、ごつめのブーティでカッコ良さを意識して。 <素材> 綿100% 裏地無し 透けません Made in Japan <Size> Size 36 胸囲85cm 着丈129~132cm Size 38 胸囲88cm 着丈133~135cm *モデルは身長162㎝ 共に36sizeを着用、は㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> 斎藤 美保子がデザインする、フレンチシックでレトロなデイリーウエア。 Mihoko Saitoは洋服ラインで、Un-demiはインナーやソックス。リトハピでは主にUn-demiをセレクト。 2023年秋冬からは、洋服ラインのMihoko Saitoも充実したラインナップに。 <Design Detail> A jumper skirt that elevates the everyday attire of sophisticated women, exuding a stylish vibe. With its compact top resembling a bustier and a long skirt that gracefully elongates, it creates a flattering silhouette. Crafted from 100% cotton yet possessing the texture reminiscent of synthetic fibers, it exudes a moderate sheen that evokes a sense of luxury. The shoulder length is adjustable in three stages with inner buttons. Features pockets on both sides. https://www.instagram.com/p/C3FFX_JP1hk/?img_index=1&hl=ja *Watch the insta video for detail. <Styling Tip> The designer's preference is to confidently wear it as a stylish standalone dress! It also looks great paired with a sheer top or cardigan. Instead of opting for bulky sneakers for a casual look, consider adding some style with boots that have unique designs or a chunkier appearance. <Fabric composition> cotton100% No lining Handwash Made in Japan Size 36 Bust 85cm / 33.5inch Body length 129~132cm / 50.8~52inch Size 38 Bust 88cm / 34.6inch Body length 133~135cm / 52.4~53.1inch *Model height 162f㎝/ inch wearing size 36 for both colours. *The model wears a bootie with 3cm / inch <Brand Description> Mihoko Saito designs high quality daily wear with a bit of French touch. Mihoko Saito label offers clothing lines, while Un-demi focuses on innerwear and socks. At Little Happiness, we have mainly selected Un-demi products. However, from the 2023 autumn/winter season, we will expand the clothing line of Mihoko Saito. Look forward to it! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Jun Okamoto cotton lace fit and flare dress ジュン オカモト コットンレース ワンピース
Jun Okamoto flower print organdy blouson <ブランド説明> Jun Okamoto *English follows デザイナーの岡本順さんが毎シーズン物語を考え、それに沿ってコレクションが構成されていきます。オリジナル生地も毎シーズン必ず何パターンか登場します。 一見した形や色使いは、とても日本人的な雰囲気を感じるのですが、実際に着ると思いのほか華奢に見せるテクニックに、パリの空気も感じます。 <素材> レース: 綿100% ポリエステル100% 裏地 ポリエステル100% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 34 胸囲87cm アームホール22cm 着丈111cm Size 36 胸囲91cm アームホール23.5cm 着丈113cm Size 38 胸囲95cm アームホール25cm 着丈114cm *着用モデルは身長168㎝、どちらもsize36を着用 スニーカーは2㎝ヒール <Design Detail> パリのカフェの外席で、パリジェンヌが友人や恋人と優雅なcafe time... そんな情景が浮かんできそうなSimple and Classyなワンピース スカラップスリーブがフェミニンな雰囲気をプラスし、動きのあるデザインは二の腕の太さも何となくカバー 袖やバックに使われているジョーゼット生地は軽さがあり綺麗にドレープします。 ウエストに入れたゴムでフィット&フレアーのラインを作ることで、スッキリ見せつつ楽ちんな着心地を実現 刺繍部分に花ではなく葉のモチーフを使うことでスッキリした印象に こっくり見えすぎない、マロンのようなブラウンが新鮮。 上品な雰囲気漂うブラックは、ブラックフォーマルにもお使い頂けます。 モデルの着動画はこちら https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr7TVY4Osrq/?hl=ja https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/72913569 一緒にコーデしているMillanniの燕尾ジャケットはこちら <Styling tips> パーカーやブルゾンで着崩すというよりは、ジャケットやカーディガンで上品に着こなすのが良さそう つばの長い帽子やシャネルバッグを合わせて更にノーブルなムードを+ ヒールは間違えないけど、シーンによってはスッキリしたスニーカーもアリ <Brand Description> Jun Okamoto Jun Okamoto is a Japanese male designer originally from Kumamoto, south of Japan. His approach towards seasonal collection is unique. He always writes a story every season and the clothes is designed for the characters in his tale. The collection always has original fabric, and print that is created only for his collection. Overall image of the brand is soft, girly and a bit dolly, may be described as a stereotyped Japanese girl. But with the use of high quality fabric and the skill backed by having studied and worked in Paris, his collection is not for feeble girls but for ladies with some attitude! <Fabric Composition> polyester 40%, cupra 39%, rayon15%, nylon6% lining: polyester100% Hand wash *do not use drying machine Made in Japan <Size> Size 34 Bust 87cm / 34.3inch Armhole width 22cm 8.7inch Body length 111cm / 43.7inch Size 36 Bust91cm / 35.8inch Armhole width 23.5cm / 9.3inch Body length 113cm 44.5inch Size 38 Bust 95cm / 37.4inch Armhole width 25cm / 9.8inch Body length 114cm / 44.9 *Model is 168㎝ / 66.1inch tall, wears size 36 for both colour with the trainer 2cm /0.87inch heel <Design detail> Imagine yourself sitting outside a café in Paris, enjoying a leisurely coffee with friends or a lover. This simple yet classy dress evokes that scene perfectly. The scallop sleeves add a feminine touch, while the design with its flowing fabric covers the arms nicely. The georgette fabric used on the sleeves and back is light and drapes beautifully. The fit-and-flare line created by the elastic waistband flatters the figure and provides a comfortable, relaxed fit. Instead of flowers, leaf motifs are embroidered on the dress, giving it a sleek impression. The brown color, reminiscent of rich chestnuts, is fresh and not too overwhelming. The elegant black color can also be worn to formal occasions. This dress exudes sophistication and is sure to appeal to any stylish woman. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cr7TVY4Osrq/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for more detail https://lhappiness.base.shop/items/72913569 Shop the navy stripe jacket styled together here <Styling tips> Instead of dressing down with a hoodie or bomber jacket, it's better to style it elegantly with a jacket or cardigan. For an even more sophisticated look, pair it with a wide-brimmed hat and a Chanel style bag. Heels are always a great choice, but depending on the occasion, a sleek pair of sneakers can work as well. Overall, this piece exudes an air of nobility that is sure to appeal to any stylish woman. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer"
KOFTA 極上スムースな綿ドレス
触っただけで上質な素材と分かる、サラッとスムースな質感のコットンワンピース。 下にパンツを履いて着るのも良さそう。 身巾、腕回り共にゆったり 両サイドにポケット。 9~13号くらいの方に綺麗にお召し頂けます。 素材 綿100% 裏地無し 太陽の下では透けます。
divka しっとり大人ムードなジャージードレス
divka clean jersey dress *English follows <Design Detail> しっとり大人なムードなロングワンピース シンプルでありながら、どこかあか抜けている、洗練されているワンピース。 ウエスト位置を高めで切り替えることで足を長く見せてくれる上、引き紐で調節するデザインなので、着用する人の体系に沿ってボディーラインを細く見せます。 ツンと立ったケープをかけたような袖デザインは、腕回りをスッキリ見せる効果アリ。 接触冷感機能を持つ、肌離れの良いジャージー素材で、伸縮も抜群。 夏は手洗いして直ぐに乾き、アイロン無しでそのまま着用できます。 後ろコンシールファスナーあき。 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Qtxe-vTZM/?igsh=MXNoc3ZqMDIydDE2NA== モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling Tips> 二の腕もしっかりカバーしてくれるので、真夏は一枚で安心して着用可。 袖デザインもジャケットならストレスなくレイヤード可能。 デザインがシンプルなので、グラディエーターサンダルを合わせて足元主張してみるのも良さそう。 <Size> Size 1 (大体5~9号くらいの方に綺麗にフィット) 身巾110cm アームホール巾23cm 着丈130cmあ Size 2 (11~13号くらいの方に綺麗にフィット) 身巾113cm アームホール巾24cm 着丈短134cm *モデル身長168㎝ どちらの色もsize1を着用 履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール * <ブランド説明> divka Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <Design Detail> A Long Dress with a Refined, Mature Vibe This dress is simple yet sophisticated, giving off an effortlessly polished look. The high waistline creates the illusion of longer legs, and the adjustable drawstring design ensures a flattering fit that accentuates the body line. The cape-like sleeve design adds a sleek touch to the arms. Made from a cool-touch, breathable jersey fabric with excellent stretch, this dress is perfect for summer. It can be hand-washed and dries quickly without the need for ironing. Features a concealed zipper at the back. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7Qtxe-vTZM/?igsh=MXNoc3ZqMDIydDE2NA== Watch the insta video for detail <Styling Tips> The sleeves provide ample coverage for the upper arms, making it a reliable choice to wear alone even in the peak of summer. The sleeve design also allows for effortless layering under a jacket without any discomfort. Thanks to its simple design, pairing it with gladiator sandals can create a bold statement for your footwear. <Fabric composition> cotton95% polyurethane5% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 Body widtht: 110 cm Armhole width 23cm Body length 130cm Size 2 Body width: 113cm Armhole width: 24cm Body Length 134cm *Model is 168㎝ wearing size 1 in both colour with 7cm heel bootie. <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
再入荷しました!divka ギンガムチェック フレンチスリーブ 真夏対応 アシンメトリー ワンピース
<ブランド説明> divka *English as follows Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <素材> 綿78% 綿22% 裏地無し 夏の日差しの下ではペチコートを履いた方が安心 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size2(大体7~9号くらい) 胸囲82cm 着丈121㎝ Size 3(大体9~11号くらい) 胸囲86cm 着丈123㎝ *生地に伸縮が有ります *着用モデルは身長162㎝、スラッとした7号 履いているブーティはヒール7㎝ <Design Detail> 伸縮性のある生地の特徴を活かしたアシメトリーなシルエットのワンピース。 立体裁断ならではのカッティングで、自然とウエストを絞った綺麗なシルエットを出しています。 一見ミニマルな雰囲気ですが、躍動感のあるネックラインやスカートのラインがとってもエレガント 左肩スナップボタンあき。左脇コンシールファスナーあき。 以下はdivkaの生地説明: <LANIFICIO LAMBERTO> ラニフィチョ・ランベルトは1961年、イタリア・フィレンツェの郊外にて設立された高級服地メーカー。 単なる高い品質の生地という事だけでなく、何に使用する服地なのか、その目的に最もあった糸を厳選し、 着心地や触り心地にまで徹底的に追求して作られています。 意匠に凝ったこちらのマルチカラーのチェックは表面に凹凸があり、肌離れがよく、 盛夏まで対応できる軽くて清涼感のあるクオリティです。 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjS7DVMCsv/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> 真夏にサラッと1枚で 白いスニーカーやサンダル、麦わら帽子で涼しさを更に演出 重ね着するなら、麻や綿のローゲージのボレロニットやボレロカーディガンが良さそう <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. <Fabric composition> Cotton78% linen22% No lining Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size 2 Bust inch 82/ 32.3inch Body Length 121cm / 47.6inch Size 3 Bust 86cm / 33.9nch Body Length 123cm / 48.4inch *the fabric is elastic *Model is 162㎝ / 63.8inch tall, XS size, wearing size 2 wearing the sandal 2cm/ 0.78inch heel <Design Detail> Asymmetrical dress that is made use of the fabric that has elasticity. The draping technique creates the striking waist line that fits natural to body. The garment could be simple and minimal at a first glance, with the vibrant and asymmetrical neck line and the skirt hem, it definitely has ultimate elegance Snap button on left its shoulder side Conceal fastener under the left arm About the fabric: <LANIFICIO LAMBERTO> Lanifico Lamberto is the Italian fabric company based in suburb of Florence The company is specialised in the exclusive fabric. The fabricant put importance on what garment is created from the fabric. Then most suitable thread is selected after pursuing the feel and comfort of the fabric thoroughly This check fabric has unevenness thus good on the skin. The fabric keeps you comfortable even during high summer. https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjS7DVMCsv/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for more detail <Styling tips> Stay cool with this dress during high summer season Style up with straw hat, white trainers or sandals to emphasise the coolness Linen or cotton low gauge mini length knit or the bolero cardigan could be fantastic options for layering on. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
divka 身に付ければ気分は常夏のビーチへ!
divka drape sleeve wool top <Design Detail> 身に付ければ、気分は常夏のビーチへ! キリっとした朱が効いた赤と白の大胆なプリントに心が弾み、 裾周りが2mを超えるゆったりと、贅沢感のあるロングドレス。 ツイストしたネックラインが生み出すドレープとアシメトリーなシルエット。 一見露出の多いデザインに見えますが、胸元、アームホールの空きはさほど大きくないのが嬉しい。 かぶり着用。 ウエストに付属紐。 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4jxJ5avSGq/?igsh=MXRxbTNtZ2o2Y3VkNA== モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling Tips> ボレロ丈の羽織りで目線を上に持ってくることで、スタイルアップ。 逆に少し長めのとろみ素材のカーデやジャケットを持ってくると、リラックス&リュックスなムードに。 <素材> cupra 67% 綿33% 裏地無し 大柄のプリントで透けにくいですが、気になる方はペチコートがあった方が安心です。 Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 胸囲90cm 着丈短122cm 着丈後128㎝ *引き紐で縛ることで着丈は短くなります *着用モデルは167cm, size1を着用 *履いているサンダルは2㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> divka *English follows Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <Design Detail> When you put it on, it feels like you're transported to a perpetual summer beach... The bold print in vibrant red and white, with a crisp touch of vermilion, sets the heart racing. The hemline extends over 2 meters, generously creating a luxurious long dress. The twisted neckline creates elegant drapes and an asymmetrical silhouette. Designed to be worn overhead. Comes with an attached waist cord. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4jxJ5avSGq/?igsh=MXRxbTNtZ2o2Y3VkNA== Watch the insta video for detai. <Styling Tips> Wearing a bolero-length outer layer helps elevate the silhouette by drawing attention upward. Conversely, opting for a slightly longer cardigan or jacket in flowing material creates a relaxed and luxurious mood. <Fabric composition> cupra67% cotton33% No lining hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 Bust 90cm / 35.4inch Armhole width 26cm / 10.2inch Body Length short 122cm / 48inch Body Length long 128cm / 50.4inch *Model is 167㎝ / 65.7inch tall, wearing size 1, with the sandal 2cm / 0.87inch heel <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
NUS そのままでも羽織っても、ちょっとこなれたシャツワンピ
NUS London Stripe volume sleeve blouse *English follows <Design Detail> ほっこりじゃない、オンナらしいシャツワンピ 落ち感のあるストレッチ素材に、ピンタックとシャーリングで寄せた繊細なギャザーが女性らしさを演出してくれるシャツワンピース。 ゴム仕様の袖口はたくし上げもかんたん。 広がり過ぎないAラインシルエットは体型カバー効果大! 丸みを帯びた裾デザインで、羽織りで使った時のバランスが取りやすく、 ワンピとして素足で着る時にも、より軽やかな印象を付与してくれます。 https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4RMv2jSuPV/?igsh=MTQ0dWY3ZnZmb3liMg== モデルの着動画はこちら https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4RMv2jSuPV/?igsh=MTQ0dWY3ZnZmb3liMg== 同素材のブラウスはこちら <Styling tips> ワンピースでは素足にスニーカーに籠バッグやキャップ、麦わら帽子で軽さを意識して 羽織りで使うときはヒールのあるサンダルやパンプスがでカッコ良さそう。 ジレやショート丈のニットをレイヤード擦るのもお勧めです。 <素材> ポリエステル95% ポリウレタン5% *手洗い可 Brand Name: NUS 京都ブランドQTUMEの姉妹ブランド。Made in Japanのモノづくりにこだわり、QTUME同様着回し易く色が綺麗なコレクションとなっています。 <Design Detail> A shirt dress that's not overly casual but still feminine. Made from a flowing stretch material, this shirt dress features delicate gathers created by pin-tucks and shirring, adding a feminine touch. The elastic cuffs make it easy to roll up the sleeves. The A-line silhouette isn't too flared, providing great figure-flattering effects! With a rounded hem design, it's easy to balance when layering, whether you're wearing it with bare legs as a dress or layering it as an outerwear piece, it gives a lighter and more graceful impression. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4RMv2jSuPV/?igsh=MTQ0dWY3ZnZmb3liMg== Watch the insta video for detail https://www.instagram.com/reel/C4RMv2jSuPV/?igsh=MTQ0dWY3ZnZmb3liMg== Shop the matching fabric shirt here <Styling Tips> In a dress, pairing it with bare legs and sneakers, along with a straw bag or cap, adds a sense of lightness. When layering, heeled sandals or pumps would add sophistication. Layering with a vest or short-length knitwear is also recommended. <Fabric Composition> polyeser95% polyurethane5% Hand wash Made in China <Size> Size 38 one size Shoulder width 52cm / 20.5inch Bust 110cm / 43.3inch Armhole width 21.5cm / 8.5inch Body length 118㎝ / 46.5inch *Model is 161㎝ / 63.4inch tall wearing sandal with 7cm / 2.8inch heel <Brand Description> NUS NUS is a sister brand of QTUME from KYOTO. Same as QTUME, NUS offers products that is made with Japanese craftsmanship and boasts high quality at reasonable price. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Jun Okamoto ほっこりに見え過ぎない。大人女性のためのゆるワンピ
Jun Okamoto embroidery low waisted dress <Design Detail> 大人の女性が安心して着れる、Luxな雰囲気漂うゆるワンピ。 年を重ねて体系が変わってきて、あまり体のラインを出したくない。 でも、ただのざぱっとしたワンピースだとかえって太って見えるかも。。。 そんな方に特にお勧めしたいのがこちらのワンピース。 張りのある生地は、体のライン拾わず、 生地が持つ適度な光沢は、肌を元気に見せ、 肩の刺繍前たてのクロスタックで高級感を付与。 ギザギザな切り替えとタックがスカートに程よいリズムとボリュームを作り、ローウエストのシルエットでも子供っぽく見えません。 両サイドにポケット。 https://www.instagram.com/p/C230p0CP6Aa/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling tips> 1枚で決まりますが、Vネックベストやニットと合わせるのも可愛い。 ジャケットやカーディガンはあえてちょっと長めを選んで、遊びのあるバランスを楽しんでみては。 <素材> ポリエステル 100% 裏地無し 透けません 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> 34 size: 肩幅36.5cm アームホール巾22cm 胸囲99cm 着丈122cm 38 size: 肩幅38.5cm アームホール巾23cm 胸囲103cm 着丈127cm *モデル160cm やせ型 履いているサンダルは1㎝ヒール *スカートにかけてゆったりしているので、多くの方にお召し頂けるサイズ感です <ブランド説明> Jun Okamoto *English follows デザイナーの岡本順さんが毎シーズン物語を考え、それに沿ってコレクションが構成されていきます。オリジナル生地も毎シーズン必ず何パターンか登場します。 一見した形や色使いは、とても日本人的な雰囲気を感じるのですが、実際に着ると思いのほか華奢に見せるテクニックに、パリの空気も感じます。 <Design detail> A relaxed and luxurious dress with a sophisticated atmosphere that adult women can confidently wear. As we age and our body changes, there might be a preference not to emphasize body lines too much. However, opting for a plain and loose-fitting dress might unintentionally create a fuller appearance. For those concerned about this, this dress is highly recommended. The fabric with a subtle stiffness avoids clinging to the body, and its moderate sheen livens up the skin. The cross tuck and shoulder embroidery adds a touch of luxury. The zigzag detailing and tucks on the skirt create a pleasing rhythm and volume, ensuring that the silhouette, despite being low-waisted, doesn't look overly youthful. It also features pockets on both sides. https://www.instagram.com/p/C230p0CP6Aa/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for detail <Styling tips> It's a stand-alone piece, but it looks cute when paired with a V-neck vest or sweater. Consider choosing a slightly longer jacket or cardigan to play with a more dynamic balance. <Fabric Composition> polyester100% no lining not see-through Handwash Made in Japan <Size> 34 size Shoulder width36.5cm / 14.4inch Bust 99cm / 39inch Armhole width22cm / 8.7inch Body length 122cm / 48inch 36 size Waist 60 ~74cm / 23.6~29.1inch Hip107cm / 42.1inch Body length82cm / 32.3inch 38 size Shoulder width38.5cm / 15.2inch Bust103cm / 40.6inch Body length 127cm / 50inch * Model height 160㎝/ 63inch, wearing the sandal 1cm / 0.4inch heel <Brand Description> Jun Okamoto Jun Okamoto is a Japanese male designer originally from Kumamoto, south of Japan. His approach towards seasonal collection is unique. He always writes a story every season and the clothes is designed for the characters in his tale. The collection always has original fabric, and print that is created only for his collection. Overall image of the brand is soft, girly and a bit dolly, may be described as a stereotyped Japanese girl. But with the use of high quality fabric and the skill backed by having studied and worked in Paris, his collection is not for feeble girls but for ladies with some attitude! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
divka 大胆さと静寂さが同居したストライプワンピース
divka grosgrain jacquard flare dress <Design Detail> 大胆なストライプと肩のデザインが目を引くけれど、どこか静寂な雰囲気も漂うワンピース。 ダーツとタックでウエストを絞り、たっぷり取ったフレアのスカートがシルエットを抑揚のあるものに。 がっしりした袖デザインと、着物のように肩を華奢に見せるデザインと首のデコルテを綺麗に見せるネックラインの対比もデザインにリズムを+。 チョコレートブラウンの綿の生地に、ブルーのグログランテープを一緒に織り込んだジャカード生地。 綿とポリエステルの収縮差がナチュラルなシワ感と、あたかも綿布にポリエステルのリボンを貼り付けた様に見える意匠が特徴です。 後ろコンシールファスナーあき。 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw1sn85vLeM/?hl=ja モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling Tips> 肩のデザインがありますが、肩が落ちたデザインの羽織りモノならさほどストレスなくレイヤードできます。 ピタッとしたインナーを入れて着回すのも◎ 足元はブーティーやヒールはもちろん、スニーカーや晩夏初秋はごつめのサンダルとコーデするのも良さそう。 <素材> 綿68% ポリエステル32% 裏地無し 透けません 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 2 胸囲100cm アームホール巾23.5cm 着丈 121cm Size 3 胸囲104cm アームホール巾24.5cm 着丈 121cm *着用モデルは身長162㎝、スラッとした7号、size 2を着用し、7㎝ヒールのブーティを履いています。 <ブランド説明> divka *English follows Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <Design Detail> A bold stripe and shoulder design catch the eye, but this dress also exudes a quiet elegance. The waist is cinched with darts and tucks, and the generously flared skirt adds dynamic volume to the silhouette. The robust sleeve design, the delicate shoulder design reminiscent of a kimono, and the neckline that beautifully frames the décolletage all contribute to the rhythmic design. This dress is made from a chocolate brown cotton fabric with blue grosgrain tape woven into it, creating a jacquard fabric. The difference in shrinkage between cotton and polyester creates a natural wrinkled texture, and the design gives the impression of polyester ribbons adhered to cotton fabric. It has a concealed zipper at the back for closure. https://www.instagram.com/p/Cw1sn85vLeM/?hl=ja Watch the insta video for more detail <Styling tips> It features a shoulder design, but with a dropped shoulder outerwear, layering won't be too stressful. Wearing it with a fitted inner is also a great idea. As for footwear, ankle boots or heels are excellent choices, and of course, sneakers or chunky sandals for late summer and early autumn would work well too. <Fabric composition> cotton68% polyester32% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size 2 Bust 100cm / 39.4inch Arm hole width 23.5cm / 9.3inch Body length : 121cm / 47.6inch Size 3 Bust 104cm / 40.9inch Arm hole width 24.5cm / 9.6inch Body length : 121cm / 47.6inch *Model is 162㎝/ 63.8inch height , size XS, wearing size 2 in both colours with boots which heel is 7cm / inch heel <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!