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2月からは水、木、金の午後6時から閉店までは洋品店店主不在。 カフェ店主が接客させて頂きます。
QTUME 高級感感じる生地を、サッと羽織れる雰囲気で。
QTUME *English follows <Design Detail> サッと羽織れる気楽さを、高級感のある生地で。 日本の毛織物産地、尾州で織り上げられたウール生地。 高品質のウール糸の残糸を集めてリサイクルしたサステナブルウール素材。 お色は優しい水色を基調とした黄色や白、ベージュなどの糸が混じったメランジカラー。 1枚仕立てでありながら保温性にも優れてています。 ショート丈のコクーンシルエットをラグラン袖で作っており、幅広い体型の方に綺麗にフィットします。 両サイドにポケット。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているJun Okamotoのブラウスはこちら 一緒にコーデしているPANORMOのスカートはこちら <Styling Tips> ショート丈と言っても短すぎるわけではないので、スキニーシルエットとも相性良し。 ゴブラン織りやジャカード等表情のあるフレアやロングスカートと合わせると冬の暖かなムードを一層引き立てます。 <素材> ウール100% 手洗い可 <Size> Size 38 (one size): 胸囲120cm 裄丈77.5 着丈68cm *9~13号の方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *モデルは身長168㎝、履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> Effortless to throw on, with a luxurious feel. Crafted from premium wool fabric woven in the famed Bichu region of Japan, this sustainable wool is created by recycling high-quality wool yarn remnants. The soft melange color combines gentle hues of light blue, yellow, white, and beige, offering a unique touch. Despite being unlined, the fabric retains warmth beautifully. The short cocoon silhouette with raglan sleeves provides a comfortable, flattering fit for various body shapes. Complete with pockets on both sides. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the blouse styled together Shop the skirt syled together <Styling Tips> Though it’s a short-length coat, it’s not too cropped, making it a great match for skinny silhouettes. Pair it with textured flared or long skirts in gobelin or jacquard to amplify that warm, wintery feel. <Fabric Composition> wool100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> Free Size bust120cm The length from back centre to cuffs77.5 body length68cm *Model height 168㎝ *The model wears bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Jun Okamoto シンプルなデザインに、愛くるしさととエレガンスを纏ったコート
Jun Okamoto original print flare pants *English follows <Design Detail> シンプルな中に、愛くるしさととエレガンスを纏ったコート キッドモヘアをブレンドした、ふんわり華やかな生地に デザイナーが撮ったカメリアの写真を基に作られた、アンニュイで愛らしい今季のオリジナルプリントを裏地に。 更にベージュとチャコールグレーのお色のトーンも絶妙。 少しくすんだ暖かみのあるベージュは毛足の長いモヘアを織り込むことで、陰影ができ軽い印象に。 ブルーがかったチャコールは少し男性的な凛とした雰囲気。そこに毛足の長いモヘアが混じりエレガントで贅沢な佇まいに。 シルエットはAラインですが、裾にかけて少しすぼまった立体的なシルエット。胸の厚みやウエスト、ヒップ周りが気になる方も綺麗に包みます。 両サイドにポケット。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているJun Okamotoのブラウスはこちら 一緒にコーデしているPANORMOのスカートはこちら <Styling Tips> ブラックやネイビー、レースの付いたワンピースと合わせれば結婚式やパーティ用のコートとしても十分映える一枚。 ベージュのコートだったら、ブルーのスキニーやワイドデニムでカジュアルダウンして着るのも良いですし、 チャコールは、濃いめのベージュのチノパンやスキニーパンツを合わせると、コーデにメリハリが出そう。 <素材> 毛80% モヘア10% ナイロン10% 裏地 ポリエステル100% Made in Japan <Size> Size 34 肩幅54cm 胸囲118cm アームホール23巾cm 着丈100cm Size 36 肩幅54.5cm 胸囲124cm アームホール巾24cm 着丈101.5cm Size 38 肩幅56cm 胸囲128cm アームホール巾25cm 着丈102cm *着用モデルは身長161㎝, ベージュはsize 34, チャコールグレーはsize 36を着用しています。 *ブラックのブーティは7cm <ブランド説明> Jun Okamoto デザイナーの岡本順さんが毎シーズン物語を考え、それに沿ってコレクションが構成されていきます。オリジナル生地も毎シーズン必ず何パターンか登場します。 一見した形や色使いは、とても日本人的な雰囲気を感じるのですが、実際に着ると思いのほか華奢に見せるテクニックに、パリの空気も感じます。 <Design Detail> This coat exudes elegance with a touch of charm in its simplicity. Crafted from a kid mohair blend, the fabric feels soft and luxurious. The lining features an exclusive, delicately moody print inspired by camellia photos taken by the designer, adding a whimsical surprise. The colors are thoughtfully selected, with a warm, subtly muted beige that creates depth and lightness thanks to the longer mohair fibers. Meanwhile, the blue-tinged charcoal has a refined, slightly masculine feel, softened by the mohair for an elegant and sophisticated finish. The silhouette is beautifully rounded, with a gentle volume from the bust that tapers slightly at the hem, creating a subtle balloon shape. This design flatters by gracefully contouring the bust, waist, and hips. And, of course, it’s practical with pockets on both sides. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the blouse styled together Shop the skirt styled together <Styling Tips> This coat is versatile enough to complement elegant black or navy dresses, or those with lace details, making it a stunning choice for weddings and parties. For a more casual look, the beige option pairs well with blue skinny jeans or wide-leg denim, adding a laid-back touch. Meanwhile, the charcoal coat works beautifully with deep beige chinos or skinny pants, adding a nice contrast to your outfit. <Fabric Composition> wool80% mohair10% nylon10% Lining polyester100% Dry cleaning Made in Japan <Size> Size 34 Shoulder width54cm Bust118cm Armhole width23巾cm body length100cm Size 36 Shoulder width54.5cm Bust124cm armhole width24cm body lenfth101.5cm Size 38 Shoulder width56cm Bust128cm armhole width25cm body length102cm *Model is 161㎝ tall, wearing beige coat in size 34 and the charcoal one in size 36, with 7cm heel bootie <Brand Description> Jun Okamoto Jun Okamoto is a Japanese male designer originally from Kumamoto, south of Japan. His approach towards seasonal collection is unique. He always writes a story every season and the clothes is designed for the characters in his tale. The collection always has original fabric, and print that is created only for his collection. Overall image of the brand is soft, girly and a bit dolly, may be described as a stereotyped Japanese girl. But with the use of high quality fabric and the skill backed by having studied and worked in Paris, his collection is not for feeble girls but for ladies with some attitude! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer"
Thomas Magpie 70'sな長い襟が可愛いブラウス風Tシャツ。
Thomas Magpie *English as listed bellow <Design Detail> 70'sを想わせる長い襟が特徴なブラウスではなく、カットソーのTシャツ素材。しかもネクタイ付きのお得な1枚。 ネクタイは裏に付いたスト,リングで簡単にワンタッチ装着長。ネクタイを結ぶのが不得意な方も簡単に装着可能。 お手持ちのシャツやポロシャツにもお使い頂けます。 ネクタイ無しでも十分華のあるデザイン。 首回りは比較的小さめ。後ろにファスナーを配ているので、着脱しやすい仕様に。 肩幅、身頃も比較的タイトですが、カットソーなので伸縮があります。 大体5~9号くらいの方に綺麗にフィットします。 やせ形で何を着ても方や腕回りが大きく見えてしまう方にもおすすめ。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているNUSのコートはこちら 一緒にコーデしているNUSのスカートはこちら <Styling Tips> 着丈も生地の厚みも程よく、スカートで合わせる時も無理にインしなくても野暮ったく見えません。 パンツもデニムから綺麗めなスラックスまで幅広いコーデに対応。 このトップスが比較的タイト目なので、スカートやパンツはボリュームのあるモノを合わせるとよりメリハリのあるコーディネートに。 <素材> 綿100% Tシャツは 手洗い可 <Size> size 38 one size 肩幅39cm 胸囲90cm アームホール巾21cm 袖丈59.5cm 着丈60cm *5~9号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長161cm *ブーティは7cmヒール <Design Detail> This isn’t your typical blouse—it’s a stylish throwback to the ’70s with an extended collar, but crafted in a soft T-shirt material and complete with a convenient matching tie. The tie easily attaches with a back string, making it perfect even if you’re not used to tying ties, and you can even pair it with your own shirts or polos. The blouse design is eye-catching enough to wear without the tie too. With a relatively small neckline and a back zipper, it’s designed for easy wear. While the shoulders and body are slightly fitted, the stretchy material allows for flexibility and comfort. It’s ideal for sizes 5 to 9, and a great option for slender frames that typically find shoulders and sleeves too loose. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the coat styled together Shop the skirt styled together <Styling Tips> With just the right length and fabric weight, this top pairs effortlessly with skirts without needing to be tucked in—keeping your look sharp, not bulky. It also complements a wide range of pants, from casual denim to polished slacks. The relatively slim fit of this top makes it ideal for balancing out voluminous skirts or pants, adding a stylish contrast to your outfit. <Fabric composition > cotton100% Tie: poylester100% Hand wash Made in China <Size> size 38 one size shoulder width39cm Bust90cm Armhole width21cm sleeve length59.5cm body length60cm *Model's height: 161cm with the bootie 7㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
NUS お仕事で、他の誰とも被らない一味違う変形ペンシルスカート。
NUS spring tweed wide tuck pants *English follows <Design Detail> お仕事で、他の誰とも被らない一味違う変形ペンシルスカート。 前身ごろの左裾にプリーツを配し、更にウエスト中心から少しずらした位置から裾まで斜めにジッパーをデザインしたモードな雰囲気漂うスカート。 蓄熱保温機能がある裏起毛のハイテク素材。 蒸れにくく、しなやかな肌触り。 伸縮性に優れた着心地のストレッチ素材で、タイトシルエットでも動きをサポート。 両サイドにポケット。 <Styling tips> ハイウエストのシルエットですが、下にもプリーツのデザインがあるので、無理に短いトップスやトップスをインしなくても、例えばヒップが隠れるくらいの丈のジャケットやカーディガンと合わせてもカッコ良いく着こなせます。 ヒールも良いけど、ショートブーツが品がイイ <素材> ポリエステル55% レーヨン35% アクリル7% ポリウレタン3% 裏地無し 透けません *手洗い可 <Size> size 38cm one size ウエスト周り68cm 着丈83cm *モデルは身長161㎝、履いているブーティは7㎝。 Brand Name: NUS 京都ブランドQTUMEの姉妹ブランド。Made in Japanのモノづくりにこだわり、QTUME同様着回し易く色が綺麗なコレクションとなっています。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているNUSのコートはこちら 一緒にコーデしているThomas Magpieのトップスはこちら <Design Detail> A unique twist on the classic pencil skirt that’s perfect for work but designed to stand out. This asymmetrical pencil skirt features a pleated detail on the left hem of the front panel, complemented by a sleek diagonal zipper that starts just off-center at the waist and runs down to the hem, adding a modern edge. Crafted from high-tech, heat-retaining brushed fabric, it ensures warmth without sacrificing breathability. The soft, flexible material has excellent stretch, offering ease of movement even within a sleek, fitted silhouette. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the tops styled together Shop the skirt styled together <Styling Tip> This high-waisted silhouette is designed with pleats near the hem, so you don’t have to rely on cropped tops or tucking in. Pair it with a hip-length jacket or cardigan for a refined and effortlessly stylish look. Heels work beautifully, but short boots add an elegant touch that’s just right. <Fabric Composition> polyester55% rayon35% acrylic7% polyurethane3% Hand wash Made in China <Size> Size 38 one size Waist68cm Body Length85㎝ *Model is 161㎝ wearing bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> NUS NUS is a sister brand of QTUME from KYOTO. Same as QTUME, NUS offers products that is made with Japanese craftsmanship and boasts high quality at reasonable price. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
NUS 1枚仕立てでもこの長さがあればしっかりあたたか。
QTUME 気軽さのあるロングコート *English follows <Design Detail> 軽快に羽織れる1枚仕立てのウールコート。 ロング丈でありながら軽さとしなやかさがあるのは、素材が、布帛ではなくウール100%のジャージー素材であるため。 断ち切りのデザインも軽快さを付与。 しっかり圧縮することで、1枚仕立てでも暖か。 狭く、少し深めなテーラードの襟がキリットして格好良い。 ボタンホールの配色が端正なデザインにちょっとしたアクセントを+ 両サイドにポケット。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしていThomas Magpienoのトップスはこちら 一緒にコーデしているNUSのスカートはこちら <Styling tips> ロング丈なので、パンツはワイドでもスキニー、どちらでもOK。 スカートはフレアより、マーメイドやタイトスカートがお勧め。 <素材> 毛100% ドライクリーニング <Size> Size 38 (one size) 胸囲114cm 裄丈74cm アームホール巾25cm 着丈116cm *モデルは身長161㎝、履いているブーティはは7㎝ヒール *9~13号くらいの方まで幅広い方に綺麗にお召しただけます。 <ブランド説明> Little HappinessではSS17から取り扱い始めた京都ブランド。リトハピの中では1番綺麗めオフィスカジュアル色が強いでしょうか。上質かつ動きやすい素材感のジャケットやパンツが支持されています。 <Design Detail> A versatile, easy-to-layer single-layer wool coat. Its long silhouette has a unique balance of lightness and fluidity, thanks to the wool jersey fabric that offers the comfort of knitwear rather than the weight of traditional woven wool. The raw-edge detailing further enhances its relaxed vibe, while the densely compressed wool keeps warmth locked in without the need for lining. Its tailored collar is narrow and slightly deep, lending a sharp, refined look. The contrast stitching around the buttonholes adds a subtle pop to its polished design. Complete with pockets on each side for practicality and style. Watch the insta vide for detail Shop the tops styled together Shop the skirt styled together <Styling Tips> With its long length, this coat pairs beautifully with both wide and skinny pants. For skirts, a mermaid or pencil style is ideal over flared options. <Fabric Composition> wool100% <Size> Size 38 (one size) The length between centre back to the cuffs 74cm Armhole width 25cm Bust114cm Body length116cm *Model height 161㎝ wearing bootie with 7cm <Brand Description> QTUME is a Japanese brand from Kyoto, which is same group of NUS and si:m . The brand offers authentic casual wear for working women at affordable price. Their clothes is classic and is designed to fit a variety of their business scene, but tends to play with bright colours. Most of the collection is made in Japan, but sometime made in China, and South Korea. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas Magpie バス会社とコラボまでして路線図をプリント!
Thomas Magpie バス会社とコラボまでして路線図をプリント! *English as listed bellow <Design Detail> 博多の方はmust have! 博多には縁もゆかりもなくても欲しくなってしまう一枚! 福岡都市圏を走る西鉄バスの路線図を大胆にもプリント定番のプリーツスカートに落とし込みました。 駅名を英語表記にし、発色が綺麗にのるポリエステルのプリーツ生地に載せれば、綺麗なジオメトリック柄に! カラーは3色。 White ピュアホワイトのベースにカラフルなバスの路線Noの標識と線路に、ブラックで記された駅名が良いアクセントの白と Grey 光沢がありパープルがかったグレーの方は、路線図は全てモノクロでプリントし、こちらのカラーはブラックのドットが散りばめられています。 Pink すこーしくすんだピンクに風船色のよいかはドット、そしてこちらはカラーで路線図をプリント。 ハイトーンのドットと路線が、それより少し落ち着いたピンクの中でなじみ、カオスのようで意外に派手になりすぎません シルエットは、ストンと綺麗に落ちるマグパイの定番プリーツ。 20㎝以上伸びるウエストで多くの方に綺麗にフィットしてくれるのが嬉しい。 モデルの着動画はこちら ピンクのスカートとコーデしているThomas Magpieのニットはこちら。 白のスカートとコーデしているThomas Magpieのコートはこちら 白のスカートとコーデ敷いてるKOFTAのカシミヤシルクニットはこちら <Styling Tips> 多彩な色が入っている白は、どんな色を持ってきても合いますが、white x whiteのワントーンで合わせると、プリントが更に引き立ちそう。 同じようにグレーは、ブラックを持ってくるとモードな雰囲気になりますが、ライトグレーをレイヤードしてワントーンでまとめると、ピュアで柔らかい雰囲気になります。 <素材> ポリエステル100% 裏地 ポリエステル100% *プリーツ加工は熱に弱い素材となっています。絶対にアイロン、乾燥機は私用はお避け下さい。 <Size> size 36 ウエスト周り66~94㎝ 着丈80cm size 38 ウエスト周り68~96㎝ 着丈85cm *ホワイト、ピンクはsize 36, グレーのみsize 38を着用しています。 * こちらのスカートは総ゴムでどちらのサイズもウエストの自由度はとても高いモノとなっています。サイズは長さの違いで選んで頂くのがおすすめです。 *7~13号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティは7cmヒール <Design Detail> A must-have for anyone in Hakata—or anyone who simply loves a unique piece, regardless of ties to the city! This classic pleated skirt boldly features the iconic Nishitetsu Bus route map, which traverses the Fukuoka area. With station names in English and printed on vibrant polyester fabric, the design transforms into a striking geometric pattern. Available in three colors: White Pure white base with colorful route numbers and tracks, plus station names in black for a crisp accent. Grey A glossy, purple-tinged grey with the entire route map in monochrome, complemented by scattered black dots for a chic touch. Pink A soft, muted pink base with playful, pastel dots and a full-color route map. The high-tone dots blend with the gentle pink, creating a lively but balanced look. The silhouette is the signature Magpie pleated style, which drapes beautifully. With a flexible waistband that stretches over 20 cm, this skirt offers a flattering fit for a wide range of body types. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the oversized jumper styled with the pink skirt Shop the coat styled together with the white skirt Shop the red cashmere x silk pullover styled together with the white skirt <Styling Tips> The white version, with its subtle mix of colors, pairs effortlessly with just about anything. However, styling it in a monochrome white-on-white look will really make the print stand out even more. Similarly, the gray option can create a sleek, modern vibe when paired with black. But if you layer it with light gray pieces to build a tonal ensemble, it transforms into a soft, pure look with a gentle elegance. Both approaches offer versatile ways to style, depending on your mood or occasion! <Fabric composition > polyester100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 36 waist(elastic band all round)66~94㎝ body length80cm size 38 waist68~96㎝ body length85cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie ㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas Magpie 遊び心を纏いながら、上品さも忘れない一枚
Thomas Magpie クリスマスやお正月にピッタリなスタンダードカーディガン *English as listed bellow <Design Detail> 清楚でクラッシックな漂うムードが、クリスマスやお正月の装いにピッタリ。 オーソドックスで使い回しやすい着丈のカーディガンを、黒地に雪のような白がポツポツと入った編地で作り、袖や裾、首回りを白で配色することで、スタンダードな形にリズムを与えています。 スタジャンに付いているワッペンのようなマグパイの”M”もclassyな雰囲気をカジュアルダウンしています。 タッチは暖かで柔らかですが、甘めの編み地なので風は通ります。 そのため、生地の厚みの割に秋の早い時期から活躍。長い季節お使い頂けます。 <Styling Tips> お上品に慎まくガーリーに着こなして欲しい1枚。 素材感のあるフレアスカートやプリーツが王道。 春先は、デニムの台形スカートに素足にスニーカーといったヘルシーな雰囲気で着るのも良さそう。 <素材> アクリル 54% ポリエステル22% レーヨン12% ナイロン6% ウール5% ポリウレタン1% <Size> size 38 one size 肩43.5㎝ 胸囲100㎝ アームホール22cm 袖丈59cm 着丈52cm *ニットなので伸縮があります。 *7~9号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティはは7cmヒール <Design Detail> With its understated, classic charm, this cardigan is perfect for X’mas and New Year festivities. The versatile length offers endless styling options, while the black knit base, dotted with snowy white accents, brings a rhythmic touch to a timeless design with contrasting white at the cuffs, hem, and neckline. The "M" Magpie patch, reminiscent of a varsity jacket, adds a subtle casual edge to this otherwise classy piece. The cardigan feels warm and soft, though its light, open-knit texture allows for airflow. Perfect for early autumn and a piece you’ll find yourself reaching for season after season. <Styling Tips> A piece for a touch of refined girlish charm. Perfectly paired with classic, textured skirts like a flared or pleated design. Come spring, style it with a denim A-line skirt and bare legs with sneakers for a healthy, fresh vibe. <Fabric composition acrylic54% polyester22% rayon12% nylon6% wool5% polyhretahne1% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 38 one size Shoulder width43.5㎝ Bust100㎝ Armhole width22cm Sleeve width59cm Shoulder width52cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie 7㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
PANORMO このドレスを身にまとい、大切な日にあなたは自信を持って輝ける。
PANORMO embroidery panel dress *English follows <Design Detail> このドレスがあれば、あなたは大切な日に自信をもって輝ける。 オリジナルの刺繍パネルと滑らかな肌触りと光沢を放つアセテート地が高級感を感じさせる一着。 刺繍は繊細で軽い雰囲気の刺繍には、音楽家のデザイナーらしくさりげなく音楽モチーフも。 ウエストの紐は後ろで結んでシルエットの変化を楽しめます。 垂らしておくだけでもデザインに動きが出て素敵です。 アシンメトリーな裾ラインは、動くたびにエレガントでドラマティックな表情を見せてくれます。 第2ボタンからは比翼仕立て。前開き仕様。 両サイドにポケット。 一緒にコーデしているPANORMOのブルゾンはこちら <Styling Tip> 白やブラックのテーラードorノーカラージャケットで、きちんと決めるのも良いし、 ブルゾンでカジュアルダウンするのもおすすめ。 足元はスッキリしたヒールやショートブーツが良さそう。 <素材> 表地(刺繍下地) ポリエステル 100% 刺しゅう部分 ポリエステル75% ナイロン25% 表地 アセテート 100% 手洗い可 Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 肩幅39cm 身幅118.5cm アームホール巾23.5cm 袖丈 59.5cm 着丈110cm *モデルは身長168cm 履いているブラックのブーティは7㎝ヒール <Brand 説明> 「演奏家の目から見た演奏家の為のドレス」をメインテーマに、ヴァイオリニストの花井悠希がデザイン。当店でも取り扱いのあるJun Okamotoの岡本さんが監修しています。Junさんデザインより、少しシックな雰囲気。 <Design Detail> With this dress, you can shine with confidence on your most cherished days. This piece exudes elegance with its original embroidered panels and luxurious acetate fabric, offering a silky texture and soft sheen. The delicate, airy embroidery subtly incorporates musical motifs, a nod to the designer’s background as a musician. The waist tie can be fastened at the back, allowing you to adjust the silhouette for a unique look. Leaving it loose also adds a sense of movement to the design. The asymmetric hemline gracefully flows with every step, creating a dramatic, sophisticated impression. The dress has a concealed button placket starting from the second button, and a front opening design. Convenient side pockets on both sides complete the look. Shop the blouson styled together. <Styling Tips> Pairing it with a tailored or collarless jacket in classic white or black can give it a polished, refined look. Or, dress it down with a blouson jacket for a more relaxed vibe. For footwear, sleek heels or short boots make a great match. <Fabric composition> Base fabric of embroidery Polyester100% Embroidery: Polyester75% Nylon25% Surface fabric Acetate100% Hand wash Made in Japan <Size> Size1 Shoulder width39cm Bust118.5cm Sleeve length59.5cm armhole width23.5cm Body length110cm Model is 168cm with the bootie and bootie with 7㎝ heel <Brand Description> The main theme is "Dresses for musicians as seen by musicians," designed by violinist Yuki Hanai. Supervised by Jun Okamoto, whose designs we also carry at our store, it has a slightly chic atmosphere compared to his designs. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas Magpie 定番アンゴラxウールコート。今年は小柄な方も楽しめます。
Thomas Magpie *English as listed bellow <Design Detail> マグパイ冬の定番、アンゴラシャギーのコートにハーフ丈が登場。 今年の配色は、ベージュxレッドとブラックxパープルの2色。 左腕と背中に配色のラインが配されるだけで、シンプルな丸首のAラインコートがオリジナル感溢れる1枚に。 上質、保温性、軽量、そこにマグパイらしい”twist" アンゴラ混のシャギーは日本の生地。アンゴラの糸が細く柔らかく滑らかなタッチ。 両サイドにポケット 例年は男性でも着れるマキシ丈のみの提案でしたが、今年は小柄な方にもお楽しみいただけます。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているThomas Magpieのニットはこちら <Styling Tips> 明るいキャメルベージュは配色の赤を使ってGirlyに着たい。 ボトムには、温かみのあるキャメルベージュと対比させてパキッと真っ白のスカートを合わせるとメリハリのあるコーデに。 ソックスを赤にして合わせるのも良さそう。 ブラックxパープルはお仕事の通勤にも使えそう。 白シャツを合わせて、ライトグレーのストレートパンツを合わせると、凛とした雰囲気に。 <素材> ウール60% アンゴラ40% 裏地 ポリエステル100% <Size> size 38 one size 肩幅56.5胸囲120㎝ アームホール24cm 袖丈52cm 着丈96cm *7~13号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティは7cmヒール <Design Detail> The winter staple from Magpie—a new half-length Angora shaggy coat—has arrived. This season, it’s offered in two distinct colorways: beige with red accents and black with purple accents. Just a hint of contrasting lines along the left arm and back brings a unique twist to the simple, round-necked A-line silhouette. Exceptional quality, warmth, and lightweight construction, with that unmistakable "Magpie twist." The angora-blend shaggy fabric is crafted in Japan, featuring fine, soft angora fibers for a luxuriously smooth touch. With convenient side pockets. Previously available only in a full-length style suited for all, this year’s version has been tailored to be accessible for those with a petite frame too. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the pullover styled together. <Styling Tips> The warm camel beige pairs perfectly with the girly touch of red accents. For a balanced look, try matching it with a bright white skirt as a contrast to the beige—this will add a chic pop of structure. Red socks could be a fun addition to tie everything together! For a more work-appropriate look, the black and purple option is an ideal choice. Style it with a crisp white shirt and light gray straight pants to create a sharp, polished vibe. <Fabric composition > polyester100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 38 one size shoulder width56.5cm bust120cm armhole width24cm sleeve length52cm body length96cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie7㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas Magpie 冬コーデにトラッドなアクセント
Thomas Magpie コーデにトラッドなアクセント *English as listed bellow <Design Detail> トラッドなムードを纏いつつ、ちょっと変化球なタータンチェックスカート。 ウエストからタックを取ったAライン。裾の両サイドに同素材でプリーツのパネルを張ることで少し動きのあるシルエットに。 ウエストの両脇にはタックを取っていないので、ウエストやヒップを気にされる方も比較的すっきり着れるデザイン。 膝下のミモレ丈よりン長めの丈で、田舎娘っぽい雰囲気がレトロで可愛い。 お色は王道の2色。 朱が強めの明るい赤にブルーや水色のラインが効いている、冬にピッタリな赤と、 タータン定番の深いグリーンに、オレンジx白が軽さを演出しているグリーン。 両サイドにポケット。 ウエストの一部に配されたゴムが立ったり座ったりの動作を助けてくれます。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているThomas Magpieのコートはこちら <Styling Tips> カシっとした質感の生地は、ニット、スウェット、シャツ、ウールコート等様々なアイテムと相性良し。 きちんと着たいならジャスト丈のニットも良いけど、少しオーバーサイズのスウェットやニットや先が丸い革靴を合わせて、ちょっと野暮ったいくらいの雰囲気で着こなすのも可愛い。 <素材> ポリエステル% ウール35% 裏地 ポリエステル100% <Size> size 36 ウエスト68~71㎝ 着丈85cm size 36 ウエスト70~74㎝ 着丈90cm *sold outしているサイズをご希望の方はお気軽にdmください。ブランドに在庫確認いたします。 *モデルは身長168cm 7号、グリーンのsize38を着用し、緩めですが腰で止まるサイズ感です。 *ブーティは7cmヒール <Design Detail> This tartan check skirt embraces a traditional mood with a playful twist. Designed with an A-line silhouette, it features tucks from the waist and matching pleated panels on both sides of the hem, giving it a subtle, dynamic movement. The untucked sides at the waist allow for a cleaner fit, making it flattering even for those concerned about the waist or hips. The midi length falls slightly below the knees, creating a charming, retro "country girl" vibe that's both nostalgic and cute. Available in two classic colors: A vibrant red with bold blue and light blue lines, perfect for winter. A deep, classic green tartan with orange and white accents for a lighter touch. Plus, it has pockets on both sides for added convenience! The partially elasticized waistband ensures comfort, making it easier to move, whether you're sitting or standing. <Styling Tips> The fabric's structured feel makes it a versatile match with various items—knits, sweatshirts, shirts, and wool coats alike. For a more polished look, pairing it with a fitted knit works well, but for a playful twist, try an oversized sweatshirt or knit with round-toe leather shoes. The slightly relaxed, almost "undone" vibe adds a cute, laid-back charm. <Fabric composition > Polyester 65% Cotton 35% Lining Polyester 100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 36 waist68~71㎝ body length85cm size 38 waist70~74㎝ body length90cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie ㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas Magpie 特別感あるけど、デニムに合わせて日常にも。
Thomas Magpie *English as listed bellow <Design Detail> ゴージャス感のあるゴブラン織りを軽快に。 ゆったりしたショート丈のジャケット。 裏地は、ペイズリー柄のサテン。チラッと見えても素敵です。 生地にハリがあるので、前後にポンと跳ねたようにも見える立体感、動きのあるシルエット。 スナップボタン仕様、開け閉めが簡単。 重さも軽量でサッと気軽に羽織れる。 裾や首回りに用いているベルベットが、デザインを引き締めています。 両サイドに付いた大きなポケットが、ゴージャスな生地を程よくカジュアルダウン。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているThomas Magpieのセットアップスカートはこちら 一緒にコーデしているMunichのブラウスはこちら <Styling Tips> シンプルなブラックドレスを合わせてちょっと気取ったお出かけへ。 ただ、デニムにTシャツやシャツの上からパッと羽織るだけで、あなたのデニムスタイルに大人の贅沢感とこなれ感をプラスしてくれます。 <素材> ポリエステル100% <Size> size 38 one size 肩幅53cm 袖丈43cm 胸囲126cm アームホール26cm 着丈52cm *大体7~11号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティは7cmヒール <Design Detail> A lightweight take on a traditionally opulent Gobelin weave, this jacket strikes a perfect balance between grandeur and ease. Designed in a relaxed, short silhouette, it features a paisley satin lining that adds an extra touch of charm when it peeks through. The fabric’s stiffness creates a unique three-dimensional look with playful volume, giving movement to the jacket. It’s fastened with snap buttons for quick and easy wear, and despite its luxurious feel, it's incredibly lightweight, making it an effortless layer. Velvet trims around the hem and neckline add a polished finish, while the large side pockets lend a casual, laid-back contrast to the elegant fabric. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the matching fabric skirt styled together Shop the dusty pink blouse styled together. <Styling Tips> Pair it with a simple black dress for a slightly more polished, elegant outing. Or, just throw it over jeans and a t-shirt or shirt, and instantly add a touch of refined luxury and effortless style to your denim look. <Fabric composition > polyester100% Lining 100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 38 one size shoulder width53cm sleeve length43cm bust126cm armhole width26cm body length52cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie 7㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
再入荷! Thomas Magpie レトロでロイヤルな雰囲気漂う王道ミモレ丈
Thomas Magpie *English as listed bellow <Design Detail> 冬のお出かけはこのスカートで決まり! 特別感のあるゴブラン織りのフレアスカート。 しっかりした生地がシルエットを綺麗にキープ、着用時のシワも全く気になりません。 ウエストのベルベットが良いアクセントに。 生地に特徴があってもシルエットがいつの時代も色あせない王道のミモレ丈なので、長く使える1枚。 セットアップのジャケットと合わせれば、忘年会や新年会のおめでたいお席にもピッタリ。 両サイドにポケット。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているThomas Magpieのセットアップジャケットはこちら 一緒にコーデしているMunichのブラウスはこちら <Styling Tips> しっかりお洒落したいお席には、セットアップのジャケットにブラウスやハイゲージのニットをインして。 ボウタイやサテン地のブラウスに変えると、更に特別感がアップ。 タイツで綺麗めにまとめるのも良いし、普段だったら靴下と先の丸いヒールやバレーシューズでGirlyな雰囲気で着るのも◎ <素材> ポリエステル100% <Size> size 36 ウエスト(一部ゴム)70~76cm 着丈76cm size 38 ウエスト(一部ゴム)73~80cm 着丈80cm *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティは7cmヒール <Design Detail> This skirt is a must-have for winter outings! Featuring a flared silhouette with a touch of luxury, this gobelin weave skirt brings an air of sophistication to your wardrobe. The sturdy fabric holds its shape beautifully, and there’s no need to worry about wrinkles while wearing it. The velvet waistband adds just the right amount of contrast and elegance. Despite the standout fabric, the timeless midi length ensures it remains a versatile piece you can enjoy for years. Pair it with the matching jacket for special occasions like year-end parties or New Year celebrations. And yes, it even has pockets on both sides! Watch the insta video for detail Shop the matching fabric jacket styled together Shop the dusty pink blouse styled together <Styling Tips> For a more formal occasion, pair the jacket with its matching set and tuck in a blouse or fine-gauge knit for a polished look. Switching to a bow-tie blouse or satin fabric elevates the outfit, adding an extra touch of sophistication. To keep things chic, tights work perfectly to complete the look, but for a more casual vibe, try pairing it with socks and round-toe heels or ballet flats for a girly, playful twist. <Fabric composition > polyester100% Lining polyester100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 38 one size shoulder width53cm sleeve length43cm bust126cm armhole width26cm body length52cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie 7㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas Magpie どう着こなそうかワクワクするドッキングジレ
Thomas Magpie どう着こなそうかワクワクするチュールジレ *English as listed bellow <Design Detail> 絶対に必要なアイテムではない、、、 けれど、あると全てのお洋服が新鮮に蘇る魔法のアイテム。 プリーツスカート、パンツ、ハイネックニットやサテンブラウス等々、何を合わせようかワクワクします。 斜めにカッティングされた上半身のベストにチュールのフリルスカートがドッキング。 ベストは、少し光沢のあるパリッとハリのあるポリエステル地は、ふんわり柔らかなチュールのスカートと組み合わせることでメリハリのある印象を与え、 大人の女性も挑戦してみたいと思わせるのに必要な”高級感”も感じさせてくれます。 ベスト部分のフリルでボタンを隠しているのもスッキリ見せていて好印象だし、 ベストの着丈は短く、スカート部分が長く取ることで腰位置が高く見えスタイルアップ効果アリ。 胸元にポケット。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているMillanniのスカートはこちら。 <Styling Tips> とにかく様々なアイテム、ボトムと合わせて実験しながら楽しんでほしい。 シャツと綺麗めなに合わせてスタイルを着崩してみたり、 プリントのボトムに合わせて透け感を楽しんだり、 下にさらにチュールスカートを合わせてボリュームを楽しんだりと、可能性は無限大です。 <素材> ポリエステル100% <Size> size 38 one size 胸囲100㎝ アームホール30cm 着丈125cm *7~13号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティは7cmヒール <Design Detail> It may not be an absolute wardrobe essential, but it's one of those magical pieces that instantly refreshes your entire closet. The kind that makes every outfit feel new again. This unique item combines a diagonally cut vest with a tulle tiered skirt. The vest, made from a slightly glossy, structured polyester, contrasts beautifully with the soft, airy tulle of the skirt, creating a sharp yet elegant look. It's the perfect blend of playful and refined, adding a touch of luxury that even sophisticated women will find appealing. The frills on the vest cleverly hide the buttons, keeping the design clean and polished. The cropped vest and longer skirt also work together to elevate your silhouette, making your waist appear higher and more defined. You'll also appreciate the small chest pocket for added detail. It's a versatile piece that sparks excitement when thinking about pairing it with pleated skirts, pants, high-neck knits, or satin blouses—endless possibilities to explore! Watch the insta video for detail Shop the skirt styled together <Styling Tips> I encourage you to experiment and have fun pairing this sweater with a variety of items and bottoms. Try styling it with a crisp shirt and elegant trousers for a smart, yet relaxed look. Mixing and matching this knit with printed skirts or pants can also add a playful twist, letting you discover new combinations that suit your personal style. <Fabric composition > polyester100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 38 one size bust100㎝ armhole width30cm body length125cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie ㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas Magpie 四方八方←→↑↓Knit
Thomas Magpie 四方八方ニット *English follows <Design Detail> 超オーバーサイズって実はフェミニン。 おしりの下までスッポリ覆ってしまうまるみのあるデザインが可愛い。 生地にしっかりとした厚みがあるので、華奢な方が着てダブッとした感じも可愛いですし 体にボリュームがある方も体のラインを拾わず、スッキリ見せてくれます。 着る人の身長、ジェンダーは選ばず。 150㎝以下の方から180㎝男性まで着用可。 むぎゅっと編地が詰まっていてたっぷり糸も使っているので、少し重みはありますが、その分重ね着せずとも、とっても暖か。 年内のお昼のおでかけはこのニットだけ着てれば十分です。 四方八方に向かうオリジナルの矢印柄を編み込んだジャカードがニットに立体感を付与。 <Styling Tips> ガーリーに着たいならミニスカート、靴下を履いてぽっくり丸っこいヒールを合わせれば◎ ミニスカートにタイツを履いてロングブーツも楽しそう。 ニットがオーバーサイズで丈も長めなので、パンツを合わせるなら細めか、ストレートがオススメ。ストレートの場合は着丈をロールアップしたり、少し短めにして合わせるとバランスが取りやすいと思います。 <素材> ポリエステル 80% ナイロン 15% ウール 5% <Size> size 38 one size 肩71㎝ 胸囲142㎝ アームホール27.5cm 袖丈52cm 着丈68cm *ニットなので伸縮があります。 *7~13号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティはは7cmヒール <Design Detail> This knit piece is masterfully designed with a harmonious balance between the speckled white yarn, the color placement, the logo, and the oversized silhouette. Each element comes together perfectly, creating a standout piece that embodies the cozy mood of winter. Despite its warm and soft texture, the knit is slightly loosely woven, which allows air to pass through. This makes it perfect for wearing from early autumn, extending its use across multiple seasons. The front side near the hem features the logo "WH@T." This season, the logo incorporates various interrogative words from the 5W1H concept (who, what, where, when, why, how), emphasizing the theme of “anywhere, anything.” <Styling Tips> For those who love a playful style, pair it with tights, a flared skirt above the knee, and Doc Marten boots for a slightly girly mood. Adding a knit beanie or a newsboy cap also gives it a cute touch. For a more subtle and refined look, combine it with a mermaid or pleated skirt and short boots to create an eye-catching yet sophisticated adult style. <Fabric composition Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 38 one size shoulder width51㎝ bust120㎝ armhole width27cm sleeve length56cm body length67cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie ㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas magpie 可愛いだけでなく体系もカバーしてくれるセミロングニット。
Thomas Magpie 可愛いだけでなく体系もカバーしてくれるセミロングニット *English as listed bellow <Design Detail> 霜降りのように白が入った編地、配色のバランス、ロゴの配置、オーバーサイズ感、それぞれの要素がとてもバランス良くデザインされたニット。 きちんと主役になってくれ冬のムードもしっかり感じさせてくれる1枚。 タッチは暖かで柔らかですが、甘めの編み地なので風は通ります。 そのため、生地の厚みの割に秋の早い時期から活躍。長い季節お使い頂けます。 丈はおしりをすっぽり隠してくれるので安心。 前身頃のサイド下にWH@Tと入っています。今回はロゴに5W1Hの言葉を多用し、どこでも、なんでも、など、疑問詞を入れていてテーマに沿ってロゴが作られています。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているMunichのデニムはこちら。 <Styling Tips> 遊びのあるスタイルが好きな方は、タイツを履いて膝上のフレアスカートにマーチンのブーツでちょっとガーリーなムードに。 ニット帽やハンチングを合わせるのも可愛い。 ちょっと控えめな女性は、マーメイドスカートやプリーツスカートにショートブーツで合わせれば、ちょっと目を引く大人スタイルの感性です。 <素材> アクリル 54% ポリエステル22% レーヨン12% ナイロン6% ウール5% ポリウレタン1% <Size> size 38 one size 肩51㎝ 胸囲120㎝ アームホール27cm 袖丈56cm 着丈67cm *ニットなので伸縮があります。 *7~13号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティはは7cmヒール <Design Detail> This knit piece is masterfully designed with a harmonious balance between the speckled white yarn, the color placement, the logo, and the oversized silhouette. Each element comes together perfectly, creating a standout piece that embodies the cozy mood of winter. Despite its warm and soft texture, the knit is slightly loosely woven, which allows air to pass through. This makes it perfect for wearing from early autumn, extending its use across multiple seasons. The front side near the hem features the logo "WH@T." This season, the logo incorporates various interrogative words from the 5W1H concept (who, what, where, when, why, how), emphasizing the theme of “anywhere, anything.” Watch the insta video for detail Shop the denim styled together <Styling Tips> For those who love a playful style, pair it with tights, a flared skirt above the knee, and Doc Marten boots for a slightly girly mood. Adding a knit beanie or a newsboy cap also gives it a cute touch. For a more subtle and refined look, combine it with a mermaid or pleated skirt and short boots to create an eye-catching yet sophisticated adult style. <Fabric composition Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 38 one size shoulder width51㎝ bust120㎝ armhole width27cm sleeve length56cm body length67cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie ㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
PANORMO 今年のコートは華やかに。
PANORMO *English follows <Design Detail> 今年のコートは華やかに。 上質なイタリア製の意匠糸を使用。 生地の風合いもさることながら、流石イタリアな美しい色合い。 店主的には、パッと目を引く柔らかなイエローがおすすめですが、深みのあるチャコールグレーも、生地の雰囲気にとってもマッチしていて、高級感があります。 ゆったりしたジャケット風デザイン。 サイズの違いは袖丈と着丈。 サイズ1でも13号くらいの方にも綺麗にお召し頂けます。 ゆったりな襟のバランスが絶妙。スッキリ小顔に見せてくれます。 両サイドにポケット モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているThomas Magpieのニットはこちら 一緒にコーデしているHISUIのスカートはこちら グレーのコートとコーデしているdivkaのワンピースはこちら <Styling Tip> 程よい着丈のハーフコートで、パンツでもワンピースにもバランス良く合わせられます。 どちらのお色も白シャツにデニムにサッと羽織るだけで、コーデが格段に特別なモノになります。 <素材> ウール45% アルパカ25% キッドモヘア23% ナイロン7% 裏地 ポリエステル100% クリーニング Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 肩幅58cm 胸囲126cm アームホール26cm 袖丈50cm 着丈75cm Size 2 肩幅58cm 胸囲126cm アームホール26cm 袖丈53cm 着丈78cm *モデルは身長168cm 履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール <Brand 説明> 「演奏家の目から見た演奏家の為のドレス」をメインテーマに、ヴァイオリニストの花井悠希がデザイン。当店でも取り扱いのあるJun Okamotoの岡本さんが監修しています。Junさんデザインより、少しシックな雰囲気。 <Design Detail> This year's coat is all about vibrancy. Crafted with high-quality Italian yarns, this coat showcases not only the exceptional texture of the fabric but also the stunning colors that Italy is renowned for. While I personally recommend the eye-catching soft yellow, the deep charcoal gray beautifully complements the fabric's character, adding a touch of luxury. The design is a relaxed jacket style, with size variations primarily in sleeve length and overall length. Size 1 can comfortably fit someone around a Japanese size 13. The relaxed collar balance is exquisite, giving a clean and refined look that accentuates a smaller face. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the pullover styled together Shop the skirt styled together Shop the dress styled together with grey coat <Styling Tip> A half-length coat with just the right length, perfectly balanced for pairing with both pants and dresses. Whichever color you choose, simply throwing it over a white shirt and denim instantly elevates your outfit, making it feel special. <Fabric composition> wool45% alpaca25% kid mohair23% nylon7% Lining polyester100% Dry cleaning Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 Shoulder width58cm Bust126cm Armhole width26cm Sleeve length50cm Body length front73cm Size Shoulder width58cm Bust126cm Armhole width26cm Sleeve length53cm Body length front78cm *Model is 168cm tall with the bootie and trainers with7cm heel <Brand Description> The main theme is "Dresses for musicians as seen by musicians," designed by violinist Yuki Hanai. Supervised by Jun Okamoto, whose designs we also carry at our store, it has a slightly chic atmosphere compared to his designs. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas Magpie ワンポイントが嬉しいスタンダードニット
Thomas Magpie *English follows <Design Detail> 派手さはないけど、色々なアイテムと合わせやすい便利ニット。 ウールをたっぷり70%使った暖かなクルーネックニット。 胸元にThomas Magpieの”M”のロゴがある以外は形はいたってシンプル。 コンパクトなサイズ感でトラッドな雰囲気を纏っています。 お色は鉄板のオフホワイトとグレー グレーのお色は白も混じった杢調。お顔周りも明るく見せるトーンです。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているHISUIのスカートはこちら 一緒にコーデしているPANORMOのコートはこちら <Styling Tip> チェックのプリーツスカートを合わせれば、正統派トラッドスタイルの感性。 チェスターコートやモッズコートのインナーにも◎。 <素材> ウール70% ナイロン 30% <Size> size 38 one size 肩幅38㎝ 胸囲96㎝ アームホール22cm 袖丈52.5cm 着丈53cm *ニットなので伸縮があります。 *5~9号くらいの方まで綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティは7cmヒール <Design Detail> This understated yet versatile knit is perfect for pairing with a variety of items in your wardrobe. Crafted with 70% wool, this crewneck sweater offers both warmth and comfort. Aside from the "M" logo from Thomas Magpie on the chest, the design is kept simple and timeless. Its compact fit exudes a classic, traditional vibe. Available in two must-have shades: an essential off-white and a heathered gray, which includes subtle white flecks for a lighter tone that brightens up the face. A practical, everyday staple with a touch of elegance. Shop the coat styled together SShop the coat styled together <Styling Tips> Pair this coat with a pleated checkered skirt for a classic, polished, traditional style that evokes a timeless sense of sophistication. It also layers beautifully as an inner piece under a Chesterfield coat or a mod-style coat, adding a versatile and stylish touch to your wardrobe. Whether for a refined outing or a casual ensemble, this coat easily adapts to a variety of looks, making it an essential piece for the cooler seasons. <Fabric composition wool70% nylon30% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 38 one size shoulder width38㎝ bust96㎝ armhole width22cm sleeve length52.5cm body length53cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie ㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
divka 近未来の中に慎ましさも感じるワンピース。
divka *English follows <Design Detail> 修道女のような慎ましさの中にフューチャリティックな雰囲気も纏ったワンピース。 ボートネックが立ち上がったような構築的な首元。 前面は首元のデザイン以外はシンプルなAラインですが、袖下sと脇パーツにリブを配することでデザインにリズムを冬するとともに、スポーティーなムードも+。 後ろから見ると2ピースだったり、ケープを重ねているかのようなデザイン。 袖下と脇パーツにリブを配し、スポーティーな印象を生み出しています。 後身頃に紐がついています。 後ろファスナーあき。 生地は、オーストラリアのバージンウールにヴィスコースをブレンド、ウォッシャブルにするためにポリエステルをプラス。 もっちりとした膨らみ、ストレッチ性が高く、ジャージのような着心地。 シワになりにくく、手洗い可能なイージーケア素材。 モデルの着動画はこちら <Styling Tips> 日常でのお仕事~夜の会食などといったちょっと特別なシーンにも活躍しそうな1枚。 ヒールやショートブーティはもちろん、 秋冬はファーのジレにロングブーツを合わせた着こなしも冬のムードを演出してくれそう。 <Size> Size1 胸囲約92cm 裄丈84.0cm 着丈21.0cm size2 胸囲約96cm 裄丈86.0cm 着丈123.0cm size3 胸囲約100cm 裄丈88.0cm 着丈126.0cm *モデル身長168㎝ どちらの色もsize2を着用 履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール <素材> レーヨン33% ポリエステル33% ウール29% ポリウレタン5% 裏地無し 透けません Made in Japan <ブランド説明> divka Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <Design Detail> Here’s the translation for your product description: A dress that embodies a modest, almost nun-like simplicity with a futuristic twist. The boat neck features a structured design that stands slightly upright. The front has a simple A-line silhouette except for the neck design, but with ribbed panels under the sleeves and at the sides, it adds rhythm to the design while also introducing a sporty mood. From the back, it appears as if it’s a two-piece or layered with a cape. Ribbing is also placed under the sleeves and side panels to enhance the sporty look. There’s a tie at the back, and the dress features a back zipper closure. The fabric is a blend of Australian virgin wool and viscose, with polyester added to make it washable. It has a soft, plush texture, excellent stretch, and a jersey-like comfort. It’s also wrinkle-resistant and can be hand-washed for easy care. Watch the insta video for detail <Styling Tips> A versatile piece that can effortlessly transition from everyday work to special evening dinners. Pair it with heels or short booties, and for autumn and winter, try styling it with a fur vest and long boots to create a chic winter vibe. <Fabric composition> rayon33% polyester33% wool29% polyurethane5% No lining Handwash Made in Japan <Size> Size1 bust92cm the length from centre back to the sleeve hem84.0cm body length21.0cm size2 bust96cm the length from centre back to the sleeve hem 86.0cm body length123.0cm size3 bust100cm the length from centre back to the sleeve hem88.0cm body length126.0cm *Model is 168㎝ wearing size 2 in both colour with 7cm heel bootie. <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
Thomas Magpie レトロ可愛いショートコート
Thomas Magpie <Design Detail> 30代、40代はもちろん、60代、70代の方にこそ手に取って欲しい”Retroish”なショートコート。 ころんとした丸襟、フリル、ショート丈のAラインといったディテールが、バランス良くミックスされた大人可愛いデザイン。 ポリエステルながら、ウールメルトンのようになめらかな生地は高級感アリ。大人の女性に気張らず、優しい雰囲気で着こなして欲しい。 両サイドにポケット。 スナップボタンでサッと羽織れるのも嬉しい。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているMillanniのスカートはこちら <Styling Tips> ショート丈なので、ロングスカートやマーメイドシルエットスカート又はワイドパンツが相性良し。 チュールやプリーツ、ジャカードなど生地に特徴があるモノとレイヤードすると、上下でメリハリのあるコーディネートになります。 パーティや結婚式などに着て行くドレスのアウターにも最適。 <素材> ポリエステル100% 裏地ポリエステル100% クリーニング <Size> size 38 one size 肩幅53㎝ 胸囲110㎝アームホール24.5cm 袖丈42cm, 着丈59cm *5~11号くらいの方に綺麗にフィットします。 *モデルは身長168cm *ブーティは7㎝ヒール <Design Detail> Here’s the translation for this product description: A "retroish" short coat that we want not just women in their 30s and 40s, but especially those in their 60s and 70s to reach for. The combination of the rounded collar, frills, and short A-line silhouette blends together for a perfectly balanced design that’s both elegant and charming. Despite being made from polyester, the fabric feels as smooth as wool melton, giving it a luxurious touch. This is a piece for mature women to wear with ease, radiating a gentle and effortless style. It also features side pockets, and the snap buttons make it easy to throw on quickly. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the skirt styled together <Styling Tips> Here’s the translation for this styling tip: Since it’s a short-length coat, it pairs perfectly with long skirts, mermaid silhouette skirts, or wide-leg pants. Layering it with textured fabrics like tulle, pleats, or jacquard will create a well-balanced look with contrast between the top and bottom. It's also an ideal outer layer to wear over a dress for parties or weddings. <Fabric> polyester100% Lining polyester100% Dry cleaning Made in China <Size> size 38 one size Shoulder width53㎝ Bust110㎝ Armhole width24.5cm Sleeve length42cm, Body length59cm *Model's height: 168cm with the bootie7㎝ <Brand Description> Thomas Magpie Thomas Magpie is a brand from Fukuoka, south island of Japan, that Hiroko Okutani leads. The brand offers easy-to-wear casual wear for both office and fun. But the brand is famous for its quirky print and logo as well as unusual mix of colour coordination. Go for this brand when you are looking for something that is day to day casual wear, but with a bit of twist ! *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
EN'DAY ジレと相性良すぎの袖デザインニット
EN'DAY ジレと相性良すぎな袖デザインニット。 *English follows <Design Detail> 膝上から袖先までフリンジ、蛍光糸やラメ糸などのニットパネルを配した、軽さの中に大人の贅沢感が漂うニット。 ベースのオフホワイトに、蛍光オレンジとイエローにシルバーの色が目を引く打だけでなく、フリンジやチュールなど糸の表情の見え方にもこだわっています。 国内でも数少ない編み機を使用して作られた、職人の手仕事が光る貴重なニット。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているdivkaのジレコートはこちら 一緒にコーデしているPANORMOのスカートはこちら <Styling Tip> おすすめな着方は袖デザインを活かした、ジレとのコーディネート。 ラメ糸を使ってたりとニットに高級感があるので、ジレも綺麗めでしっかりした素材感のモノを選ぶと、大人の余裕がありつつ遊びのあるスタイルになります。 サイドスリットと前後差のあるデザインは、様々なスカートやパンツとレイヤードしやすく便利ですよ。 <素材> ウール32% アクリル29% ナイロン25% モヘヤ10% キュプラ4% Made in Japan クリーニング <Size> Size Free 肩幅68cm 胸囲122cm アームホール20cm 袖丈49cm 着丈前46cm 着丈後54cm *大体7~13号くらいの方まで綺麗にお召し頂けます。 *モデルは身長168㎝、靴は7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> フリーランスのデザイナーとして、セレクトショップの企画に携わる田中なつみ氏により立ち上げられた、日本のニットブランド。 意外性のある配色や、ファーストラインでは日本の職人技術が詰まった匠ニットを提案。 優しい色使いの中に、どこか艶っぽさも感じさせてくれるのもこのブランドの特徴。 <Design Detail> A sophisticated knit with a playful edge, featuring fringe from the knees to the sleeves, and panels woven with neon and metallic threads. Despite its lightness, the knit exudes a sense of luxurious refinement. The base is a clean off-white, accentuated by striking neon orange, yellow, and silver hues. Not only do the colors stand out, but the intricate detailing of the fringe and tulle, along with the texture of the yarns, are carefully crafted. This knit is a rare gem, made with one of the few specialized knitting machines in Japan, showcasing the expertise of skilled artisans. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the gilet coat styled together Shop the skirt styled together <Styling Tip> Make the most of the sleeve design by pairing it with a vest. Since the knit features metallic threads for a touch of elegance, opt for a structured vest made from a refined material to create a playful yet sophisticated look with a mature flair. The side slits and high-low hem design make this piece easy to layer with a variety of skirts or pants, offering great versatility. <Fabric composition> wool40% acrylic39% alpaca7% mohair6% nylon4% polyester4% Dry cleaning Made in Japan Size Free Size Free Size Free Bust122cm Armhole width23cm Body length62cm *Model height 161cm, wearing 7cm high heel <Brand Description> A Japanese knitwear brand founded by freelance designer Ms. Natsumi Tanaka, who has worked on projects for select shops. The brand offers unexpected color combinations and, in its first line, showcases masterfully crafted knitwear made by Japanese artisans. One of the brand’s key features is the subtle touch of elegance woven into its soft, gentle colour palette. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
divka 暖かい秋冬には、体温調節に優れる袖なしコートが役立ちます。
divka こんな素敵な色とデザイン、逃したら2度と出会えません。 *English follows <Design Detail> このジレがあれば、冬の大半は大丈夫。 ブランドが使うのはとても珍しい、ふんわり優しいミント色が目を引くロング丈のジップアップジレ。 ケープのようにも見える袖の大きなフレアに対比して、バスト以下はミニマルでシャープなIラインのシルエット。 袖の開封できるシルバーのドットボタンとフロントに配された飾りのドットボタンが、ミニマルなデザインに程よいアクセントを付与しています。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているEN'DAYのニットはこちら 一緒にコーデしているPANORMOのスカートはこちら <Styling Tips> コートの下からスカートが出るのを嫌う方も居ますが、店主的には気にせずスカートがちょろっと出てるのも可愛いと思います。 凹凸のあるジャカード素材や派手めなプリントのパンツやスカートがちらっとコートの裾からのぞくと素敵ですよ。 <Size> Size2 one size 胸囲100cm アームホール巾28cm 着丈115cm *モデル身長168㎝ 履いているブーティは7㎝ヒール ウール72% ナイロン25% カシミヤ3% 裏地無し 透けません <ブランド説明> divka Yoji Yamamotoのチームで出会った田中崇順と松本志行が2012年より始めたdivka(ディウカ)。著名人も撮影などでよくお召しになっています。アバンギャルドな雰囲気を持ちつつ、着るときちんと上品さを感じるから年齢を問わず着て頂ける。Little Happinessも大好きなブランドです。 <Design Detail> This gilet will keep you covered for most of the winter. A standout long zip-up gilet in a soft, gentle mint color—a rare choice for the brand. The cape-like wide flared sleeves are contrasted by the minimal and sharp I-line silhouette from the bust down, creating a unique balance. The silver snap buttons on the sleeves, which can be opened, along with decorative buttons on the front, add just the right amount of accent to the minimalist design. Watch the insta video for detail. Shop the knit styled together Shop the skirt styled together <Styling Tips> Some people might not like their skirt peeking out from under their coat, but as the shop owner, I think it's quite cute! A little glimpse of a textured jacquard fabric or a bold printed pair of pants or skirt showing from the coat’s hem looks stunning and adds a unique touch to your outfit. <Fabric composition> wool72% nylon25% cashmere3% No lining Dry cleaning Made in Japan <Size> Size 1 Size1 Bust110cm Armhole width35cm Body length115cm Size2 Bust110cm Armhole width37cm Body length125cm *Model is 168㎝ wearing size 1 with 7cm heel bootie. <Brand Description> divka Behind divka, there are two main forces, Mr Takayuki Tanaka, and Mr. Shigyo Matumoto. They first met while they were working at Yohji Yamamoto design team. Like Y's, black is always their main colour, but now the brand is far more than that. Joining forces with artisanal fabric manufacturers all over Japan, divka always strive to create their exclusive ones in some of their collection. The design of divka is avantgarde, drapey, asymmetrical, but always keeps elegance and dignity, thus the clothes fits well for women of all ages. Their clothes has been worn by numerous Japanese actresses and celebrities for TV and premier etc. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!
EN'DAY まんねりのダウンベストは脱ぎ捨て、誰も見たことのないカウチンを。
EN'DAY まんねりのダウンベストは脱ぎ捨て、誰も見たことのないカウチンを *English follows <Design Detail> ところどころに入った蛍光色と、跳ねるように顔を出すオリジナルシャギーヤーンが、伝統的なカウチン柄を個性的なデザインへとアップデートしたone of kindな一枚。 ふんわりと柔らかい素材感は着心地も抜群。腰回りをほどよくカバーする丈感とラインを拾い過ぎない肉厚感がイイ。 立ち方もきれいなしっかり映えるフーディ。 広めのアームホールは、ゆったりとしたトップスの上からでも羽織りやすく、秋の軽アウターとして、また真冬にはコートやジャケットの下に仕込むインナーとしても活躍。 国内でも数少ない編み機を使用して作られた、職人の手仕事が光る貴重なニット。 モデルの着動画はこちら 一緒にコーデしているMunichのパンツはこちら <Styling Tip> デニムやパンツと合わせたカジュアルスタイルはもちろん、 華やかさがあるのでスカートと合わせたフェミニンなスタイルにもぴったり。シンプルなボトムスと組み合わせることで、蛍光色のアクセントがより引き立ちます。 アクセサリーも控えめにして、ニットを主役にしたスタイリングがおすすめです。 <素材> ウール44% アクリル43% ポリエステル6% アルパカ4% キュプラ3% Made in Japan クリーニング <Size> Size Free 胸囲122cm アームホール23cm 着丈62cm *モデルは身長161㎝、靴は7㎝ヒール <ブランド説明> フリーランスのデザイナーとして、セレクトショップの企画に携わる田中なつみ氏により立ち上げられた、日本のニットブランド。 意外性のある配色や、ファーストラインでは日本の職人技術が詰まった匠ニットを提案。 優しい色使いの中に、どこか艶っぽさも感じさせてくれるのもこのブランドの特徴。 <Design Detail> This one-of-a-kind piece updates the traditional Cowichan pattern with flashes of neon and playful pops of original shaggy yarn, creating a unique, modern design. The soft, fluffy texture offers exceptional comfort, and the length is perfect for covering the waist without clinging too much, making it an ideal, flattering fit. The structured hood adds a polished touch, ensuring you look sharp from any angle. With wide armholes, it layers easily over chunky tops, making it a versatile light outerwear piece for fall, or a cozy mid-layer under coats or jackets in winter. Crafted using one of the few remaining knitting machines in Japan, this piece showcases the meticulous craftsmanship of skilled artisans. Watch the insta video for detail Shop the trousers styled together <Styling Tip> This piece pairs effortlessly with casual styles like denim or pants, but its touch of elegance also makes it perfect for a feminine look when styled with a skirt. By combining it with simple bottoms, the neon accents stand out even more. Keep accessories minimal to let the knit be the star of your outfit—this is a styling tip we highly recommend. <Fabric composition> wool40% acrylic39% alpaca7% mohair6% nylon4% polyester4% Dry cleaning Made in Japan Size Free Size Free Size Free Bust122cm Armhole width23cm Body length62cm *Model height 161cm, wearing 7cm high heel <Brand Description> A Japanese knitwear brand founded by freelance designer Ms. Natsumi Tanaka, who has worked on projects for select shops. The brand offers unexpected color combinations and, in its first line, showcases masterfully crafted knitwear made by Japanese artisans. One of the brand’s key features is the subtle touch of elegance woven into its soft, gentle colour palette. *For international shipping, delivery charge will be charged separately. After the charge is confirmed( usually 1-2 working days), there will be a settlment email sent to you from SQUARE, which you could pay the charge by credit card. Purchased goods will only be sent after the charge is received. *Import duty is also your responsibility. *Please read ”For international customer" in our product list page, before completing the payment!